Monday, July 1, 2013

Splash Montana

Last Thursday I took the day off so I could take you to Splash Montana with Jenn. We lucked out with the weather and had a perfect, hot, day! When we first got there, you were a little timid and didn't want to get in the pool. I think it had something to do with all the people there as it was a little overwhelming. But I was able to coax you into the pool and as soon as Jenn and I started splashing around showing you how fun it was you relaxed and started to swim around. We got you a new life jacket too which made it a lot easier for you to swim around. You had a blast swimming in the water, then standing up and jumping back into the water on your belly. You discovered the little bear slide and I took you down the first time but after that you did it by yourself. Though a couple times I had to climb up the slide and grab your arm to help you go down. You got the hang of it and by the third or fourth time you were zipping down the slide. You even watched another kid go down on his stomach instead of his butt and thought you'd do the same. We couldn't believe how fast you picked that up! We also took you on the lazy river which you didn't care for. I think it was to restricted for you. All you said was "slide...slide...slide" as you pointed at the big slide in the middle of the river. Sorry buddy, you're a little to small to go this year but we'll definitely take you next year! We had a fun day and daddy was sad he missed it. But I'm sure we'll be going to Splash a lot this summer!

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