Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Weekend

For the 4th, we went to Seeley Lake and stayed at our friends cabin for the weekend. It was a perfect weekend with great weather so we all got A LOT of beach time in with plenty of swimming, lounging, and just relaxing in general. This is exactly what we needed too because we've been on the go lately and it was nice to have a long relaxing weekend! Plus our friends have three young girls (Kyler, Logan, and Drew) so you had playmates all weekend long!!

Learning how to play games on the Nabi tablet with Kyler

The first day we were there we went to the day beach not to far from the cabin. We got there early enough to find a spot on the beach which was really nice for you and girls because you could go in the water as you pleased and all of the adults could lay out on the beach and relax. You are definitely a water baby and wanted to be in the water the whole time. I could barely pull you out long enough to eat some lunch. After the beach, we went back to the cabin to have dinner and light off a few fireworks. Later that night, we all got bundled up and went out on the lake in the boat to watch the fireworks show. You stayed awake through the majority of it but fell asleep just as it was ending. You even stayed asleep on the boat ride back to the cabin which shocked me since we were bouncing all over the place from the waves. It wasn't hard to put you to bed that night as it had been a very long day!

Beach Time!

Just hanging out...

Loving the water!

Getting ready to watch the Seeley lake Fireworks Show

Still awake and loving the fireworks

The next day, we decided to stay at the cabin and hang out on the dock. That way we could lay you down for a nap if we needed to. Even though you couldn't access the water as easy as the beach, you had a lot of fun on the dock. Robb brought out the water toys and you thought their blow-up bumper boat was the coolest toy ever. We put you in it with Kyler first and when your turn was done, you didn't want to get out. You threw a BIG fit when we took you out and we had to get your attention on something else. But we knew you were getting tired so we decided this was a perfect time for a nap. Putting you down for a nap was little tough though because your play pen was in the living room and any time someone would walk by you'd pop up and say "hi". You didn't cry or throw a fit, you just sat in there until someone walked by and then it was "hi...hi". Eventually you fell asleep and once you were out, YOU WERE OUT! You slept through the night the first couple nights we were there but on the last night I don't know what happened but you woke up a few times crying and rolling around. We eventually brought you into bed with us because we didn't want you to wake everyone else up. So we were glad we were going home the next day because I think you'd had enough of your play pen and wanted your own bed back.

Cruising in the bumper boat with Kyler

Had to do it by yourself too!

Thanks Libby and Robb for a wonderful weekend and allowing us to stay at your cabin for the weekend! We had a blast and really enjoyed hanging out with everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable!!! I just want to eat him up!! I'm sorry we missed each other at the lake, but I'll be coming back a lot more :) Love you!! ~Leia
