Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Favorite Things

You have a few favorite things that you ask for on a daily basis and even won't leave home without it.

1.) Your puppy pillow and blankey! Every night you snuggle into your puppy pillow and if we don't have it in your crib you ask for your "puppy" and keep asking for it until you have it. When you wake up in the morning and are lifted out of your crib, you always reach back and say "puppy". The puppy normally comes with us in the car too but daddy's been trying to break that by saying the puppy will stay home with him. It's worked a couple times so far! You love your blue and white blankey. I have to be careful you don't see me throwing it in the wash or you freak out and want it back. It goes to daycare with you too so you can have it for nap time and then we bring it home on the weekends. When we travel, these are two things we never forget!!

2.) You love the TV program - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Every morning as soon as you wake up, you say "mouse...mouse". So we have a new routine in the mornings where I get up and shower, and then I get you up and dressed, get you some milk, and put you on the couch to watch your favorite show. But this doesn't just benefit you. I normally need to finish getting ready so it's great you'll sit and watch your show until its time to go instead of bugging me. This also give you time to wake up if you're a little cranky!

3.) Your favorite movie right now is Despicable Me. We've probably watched it off and on every night for the past couple weeks now. It's funny because as soon as we get home for the day, you run over to the entertainment center and pull open the drawer with your movies in it. You always go through the movies saying "that one", then pick another one saying "no that one", and so on. But after going through this, it's always Despicable Me. We've even put in another movie you picked out and we'll have to stop it because you want Despicable Me. You don't know this yet but the second Despicable Me just came out in the theaters and we're taking you to it later this week. It will be your first movie in a theater!

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