Monday, January 30, 2012

Month Four


You are now four months old and today you had your four month checkup. You got your second round of vaccinations and this time it didn't go so well. You didn't like it at all which I don't blame you because I hate needles too! You started crying right when you got pricked and kept crying getting louder and louder each time you got a shot. You stopped crying as soon as I picked you up though so that made me feel better. Everything else went well; you're now 13 lbs 15 oz and 26" long. You're in the 85th percentile for your height but still a little underweight so Dr. Laine said to keep feeding you whenever you're hungry. Other than that he said you're doing great and are healthy as can be. (Minus the cold you've been battling this past week) This is your first cold and on top of that you've had diarrhea for five straight days. A couple of those nights you had full on diarrhea blowouts.  Daddy was the lucky winner and got to change you, your diaper, AND the sheets. I think I did laundry every night just trying to keep up with you. We felt so bad for you!! Each time we changed you we kept hoping for "solid" stools and it finally happened on Saturday. Never thought we'd be so happy to see "solid" poop but we were ecstatic because we knew you're diarrhea had ended. Whew! Now if we could only get rid of your cold...

Your sleeping habits haven't changed much. You're still sleeping through the majority of the night and only waking up once usually around 3 or 4 am. Though I thought you were going to start sleeping completely through the night because two nights in a row you slept through the night not waking up once. But it was only those two nights and then you went back to getting up once a night. I can't complain though because once a night is pretty darn good! This weekend you had an out of the ordinary night waking up four times. I think it was because you were sick and have been teething. It was a good thing this happened over the weekend because your dad and I were really tired the next day. You now love to sleep on your belly. The only time you sleep on your back is when we first put you down and when you are really tired otherwise you roll over immediately. You've also figured out how to move around in your crib at night. We'll lay you down at one end and by morning you're at the other end either wedged into the corner or turned completely the other way. I told Daddy we need to get a trail cam or something so we can see how you move from one end to the other.

You've mastered rolling over from your back onto your stomach though you can only roll to your left. You haven't quite figured out how to roll the other direction but you haven't really tried either. Once you've rolled onto your stomach you can't figure out how to roll back onto your back. You've done it a couple times by mistake and each time it surprises you because you more or less fall back onto your back. If we put you on the floor you prefer to be on your stomach because as soon as we lay you on your back you flip over immediately. I think you like to be on your stomach so you can turn your head more and see what's going on. You're getting stronger and stronger! The girls at daycare keep telling us how strong you are and how they think you're going to be crawling before no time. I think so too because when you're on the floor you're kicking and moving your legs like crazy.

You've hit another fun milestone....TEETHING! Though this hasn't been so enjoyable for you. You'll chew on anything you can get in your mouth which right now is usually your fists. We've been giving you teething rings and you seem to like those especially when they are still cold. We've also been giving you teething tablets which seem to help too because you calm down right afterwards. But what you really like is for one of us to massage your gums with our fingers or even just gnawing on our fingers. Even with the teething you haven't been to fussy. You're still your smiling happy self!

Happy four month birthday sweet little boy!


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