Monday, July 29, 2013

Month Twenty-Two


Today you turned twenty-two months old! Only two more months and you're going to be 2!! Wow, where has the time gone! No, I really mean it...where has the time gone. It feels like it was just yesterday you were a baby but now you're turning into quite the little boy. I really get reminded of this each time I take you in for a haircut!

Lately we've been on the go and when we're on the go you go wherever we go. You've always done great in public places whether it be just going shopping or going out to dinner or lunch. You do the normal kids things like wanting to run around a little bit (which can be frustrating when I'm trying to shop especially when you hide behind clothes racks) and getting bored after sitting at the table too long. But we've never had to leave somewhere because you were throwing a fit or rush through dinner because you couldn't handle it anymore. When we go out with our friends the first thing they say is that they can't believe how well behaved you are! It makes us feel good that people notice and compliment you on it. You are such a special little boy!

You're really talking now and boy is it nice. We can ask you something and you respond with what you want. You have nicknames for things you want like when you want to watch "Despicable Me" (your favorite movie right now), you just say "Me". Or if you want to watch your favorite show "Mickey Mouse Club" you say "Mouse". You have also started telling us when you're poopy by saying "poop". Most of the time you've already pooped but we still show you the potty hoping you'll put two and two together. But in the next couple weeks we're going to really focus on it and start potty training you. So more to come on that later! You also like to repeat things so we have to be really careful what we say and what the TV says. If you see someone sleeping you'll say "their going night-night" and if they leave you'll say "they went bye-bye". Just recently we got you to start saying your name and you can say it really good too. At daycare today, a little boy came up to us as we were leaving and said "bye Liam" and you looked at him and said "bye Liam" right back. We'll work on saying other kid's names later. One step at a time right!

You love the water! Even when you were a baby you loved to splash and play around in the water in the still do! But with it being summer we've been going to the lake quite a bit and to the water park. You are all about the water and always want to go right in. You've even gone on a boat and had a great time doing that to. But jumping into the water from the boat is a whole different story, we had to do a little coaxing to get you to jump in. Slides in the water are even better and you couldn't get enough of the slide at Splash Montana. At home you like to run through the sprinklers or help me water the flowers which normally turns into a water fight. It's great you like to be outside like us so we can take you to the lake or go camping or go for a hike. You're pretty much game as long as you're outside. We leave for Yellowstone Park this week so we're excited to see how you do there!

Happy twenty-two month birthday sweet little boy! We love you very much! You are so special and bring so much joy to our lives!!


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