Sunday, June 30, 2013

Month Twenty-One


Yesterday you turned twenty-one months old! This month has been another fun but busy month though the beginning of the month was a little rough on you. We found out you had another ear infection and had to be put on antibiotics again. To be honest I've lost count how many ear infections you've had but the doctor wasn't too concerned and didn't think you needed tubes. However, he did give you a stronger antibiotic to make sure your ear infection went away. Well it went away alright but giving you the antibiotics wasn't very much fun. The first couple times we gave it to you straight and  you started to dread it and would even run from us. You also would hold it in your mouth and wouldn't swallow it. So daddy thought if he plugged your nose you'd have to swallow...wrong! You spit it all out!! After that daddy and I made an executive decision and decided to mix the antibiotics with milk and a couple drops of chocolate syrup to hide the taste of it. It worked! You finished your antibiotics and the ear infection went away. The only bad news is we gave the antibiotics to you in a bottle so we had to wean you off the bottle again. You don't do a nighttime bottle anymore. Instead we give you a sippy cup of milk before you go to bed, read you a story, and put you to bed. Most of the time you go right down but occasionally you'll want the sippy cup in the crib with you. You still get a morning bottle but we are planning to wean you off of that real soon.

New haircut!
You are becoming quite the mimicker! So mommy and daddy really need to be careful what they say and/or do because you may repeat it later. A couple days ago I took you to Splash Montana (will post more about this later) and you loved the water slide at the shallow end of the pool. At first you'd go down the slide on your butt but you saw a kid in front of you go down on his stomach. You switched to going down on your stomach and wouldn't go back to sitting on your butt. We couldn't believe it! You saw it one time and just did it. You also like to mimic us when we're all eating. One night we had hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, and chips. You saw me scooping my baked beans onto my chips and did it to. You also want whatever we have on our plates so we always make sure to give you a little of everything whether you like it or not. You're talking a lot more now and have a new favorite word, "snack". Whenever you want a snack you'll look at one of us and say "snack" over and over and until one of us acknowledges you and asks if you want a snack. You'll look at us and smile and say "yes". I can't remember all the new words you're saying but a few are "bye guys", "game" or as you say it "geem" when you want to play a game on my phone, "bucket", "wet", "babies", "kitty", "cow", and "duck".

Trying out Meridian's bike...

Your new bike!
Now that it's nice outside, you love to just be outside, but you are really infatuated with bikes. Any time you see a bike or see someone riding them you point and say "bike". You have a bike but it's too big for you so you really can't ride it. But a couple weekends ago Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brook, and cousins Bohdan and Meridian were in town. They brought their bikes along and you got to try out Meridian's little Strider bike. It was perfect for you and you loved it! You probably would've rode it the whole time if Meridian would've let you too. So we knew we had to get you one! Well Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Brook found you one and got you an early birthday present. It just arrived last week and we already got you a helmet so you're good to go. You're still getting used to it but will be zooming around before we know it.

I can't believe how much you're changing and how fast you're learning things. Each day it something new and I love it!

Happy twenty-one month birthday sweet little boy!


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