Monday, June 3, 2013

Month Twenty


Another month has flown by and you are twenty months old now. It's been a crazy and busy month but that's to be expected now that you're a toddler. Only a couple more months and you'll be two years old!

You are a very busy little boy! Your favorite thing to do is run and explore!! Well the last couple Friday's I've had errands to run and normally I remember your diaper bag with plenty of snacks and stuff to drink but not the stroller. So if we go somewhere that has no carts I either carry you or you walk and most of the time you want to walk which turns into running around. It becomes a game of me chasing you around and both of us laughing. I enjoy it and love watching you have a good time but when I'm trying to shop it can be quite difficult trying to keep an eye on you and shop especially all by myself. Last Friday we were at the mall and I was trying to find a dress for a wedding we were going to that weekend. We went into the Trailhead first and you ran up and down the store running around all the racks. The two ladies thought you were the cutest thing ever. You even wanted to be their little helper and would go behind the counter helping them put hangers away. They laughed! I knew I had limited time so I quickly browsed around finding a couple things to try on. I took you in the dressing room with me and the mirror kept you occupied for a little bit but then you got bored. Luckily I have games on my phone so I whipped that out and it kept your attention until I was done trying on dresses. I didn't find anything I really liked so we went over to Gymboree and got you a cute little outfit. They had cartoons playing and that kept your attention for little while but as I was paying you wanted to be her little helper too. You were grabbing all sorts of coupons, gift cards, etc out of the drawers. The young lady at the counter thought you were so cute and couldn't stop smiling at you and didn't mind a helper for a few minutes. I knew I was pressing my luck so afterwards we took a break and had lunch. Then it was off to the Buckle for a quick stop as I saw a dress when we were walking by. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by three or four ladies that worked there. They loved you and you said hi to them immediately. You even gave them hi-fives and knucks! This was perfect for me because as you were making the rounds I quickly found the dress I was eyeing and we went into the dressing room to try it on. It fit and I loved it so we were done at last! Whew! It's a lot different shopping with you running around than pushing you around and leisurely looking at things. There were a few times you gave me quite the scare too! You weren't far but I couldn't see you and didn't know where you went. So for those couple seconds I'd freak out until I found you again....usually hiding behind a rack of clothes. I shouldn't be telling you this but your Uncle Keith and I used to hide from Grandpa Dave & Grandma Terry at clothing stores. Him and I would hide in the middle of the racks, laughing, as grandpa and grandma frantically looked for us. So now I know I how it feels and it is not a good feeling!

You've become quite the ham! Everywhere we go you say hi to anyone and everybody who walks by you and you almost always get a smile or hi in return. But there are a few times you've gotten treats for being so cute and saying hi. We were at the grocery store a week or so ago and when we were waiting to get meat at the deli counter you were saying hi to everybody including the woman behind the counter. She loved you and asked if you could have some cheese. I said of of course and you got your first treat. Then we went by the bakery to get some bagels and you said hi to the lady behind the counter. She yelled over at her coworker to come say hi to you so you'd say it back. It took a little doing since they were both staring at you and I think you felt a little pressured but you said hi to her too and it sure paid off. She gave you a cookie! Luckily we were about done because you had a cheese in one hand and a cookie in the other, you didn't have room for anything else.

You are getting really good at saying please and thank you though the thank you is more pronounced "thankum". It is so cute and so is how you say please especially when you really want something and you'll look at us and say "pleeeese". How can you say no to that?  You know exactly when to use please and thank you as well! When I picked you up from daycare the other day you said "thankum" to another parent as she held the door open for us. It caught me off guard because I didn't even prompt you to say it! But we have been working on these with you and so has daycare.

This month we've been working really hard with you in getting rid of your bedtime bottle. Instead of taking you into your room and rocking you with a bottle we've been getting you into your pajamas a little earlier so we can give you a sippy cup of milk and read you stories. The first night didn't go so well! You pushed the sippy cup away and didn't really drink out of it. So we decided it's now or never and we put you to bed with hardly any milk. You cried for fifteen or so minutes but fell asleep just fine. The next night wasn't as hard and you drank out of your sippy cup here and there and only cried a little bit when we put you to sleep. We've been trying to stick to the same schedule every night so you know it's getting close to or is almost bedtime. We normally get you in your pajamas, give you a sippy cup of milk, read you a couple stories, brush your teeth, and then put you to bed but of course not before we both kiss you goodnight. You've been doing really well with the schedule and don't even ask for the bottle. Though the last couple days we've back tracked a little bit and have been giving you a bottle because you've been sick and haven't been eating very well. But starting tomorrow you're going back to the sippy cup again!

Happy twenty month birthday sweet little boy!


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