Sunday, August 5, 2012

Month Ten


You are now ten months old and actually you turned ten months last week but I haven't had a chance to post it. So sorry this is a little late. It's been a very busy month and a month full of firsts. You've had your first real haircut, your first camping trip, first hiking trip, and even your first steps. So it's been a very fun and exciting month!

Two weeks ago you took your first steps! You were playing in the kitchen with daddy and got so excited and didn't realize you were standing with no help and took three steps forward. I was busy getting your bath ready and daddy yelled for me to watch because you were starting to take another couple steps forward. I missed it though because by the time I looked up you had already fallen. I've been trying to get it on video but we can't get you to take more steps on your own. It will be soon enough though but I'm still bummed I missed your very first steps. In the meantime, you're cruising around the house like crazy with your walker and even go up and down the sidewalk with it.

We are in the process of transitioning you off of baby food and eating more regular food. You didn't like the chunky baby food so we thought we'd just skip that and go straight to "grown-up" food. We even put you on the daycare food schedule where you get breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Breakfast is usually oatmeal with fruit, cereal with fruit, toast, etc. For lunch you've had spaghetti and meatballs, turkey and potatoes & gravy, chili, chicken and rice, etc. The ladies at daycare said you've been doing really well and eating really good. There have been a couple times where you don't eat what's on the menu so they give you some baby food on top of it. Usually it's breakfast where you don't eat very much cereal. But you're doing great and always try everything at least once. We still give you formula but normally in the morning before a nap or in the evening before bed. We've also started to give you juice and have been working on the sippy cup. You're getting better  grabbing it yourself but don't lift the cup high enough to get the juice out. When I lift it up to show you how you let go and want me to do it for you. So I'll do it a couple times and then walk away so you'll try and lift it yourself. You've figured it a couple times so you definitely know what you need to do to get the juice. So far we've just given you apple juice but also have some pear juice for you to try. You've just started to hold  the bottle on your own too. It's nice when we're in the car and I can give you a bottle and you'll drink it yourself. You make more of a mess because you turn the bottle upside down and get it all over you, the seat, and the door. But oh well, that's what you're supposed to do, right?

You're sleeping through the night pretty consistently now. We usually put you to bed around 8pm and you don't wake up until 6:30/7am. I've even had to wake you up a couple time so we can leave on time. We have a pretty good routine now where we'll give you a bath, brush your teeth, and then put you to bed. We try to read you a story but you're more into grabbing the book and trying to rip it. So we're skipping the story time before bed for now and will try to do it when you get a little older. You love bath time still and can't wait to get in the water as soon as I start the bath. It's so cute! Just last night all of a sudden I see a naked baby crawling as fast as he can to the bath. Wish I would've gotten a picture of it! I do have this one just waiting to get into the tub.

Happy ten month birthday sweet little boy!! You are an amazing little boy and are so much fun. We look forward to more firsts and other exciting milestones.


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