Monday, July 16, 2012

First Hike

Yesterday we took you on your first adventure into the great outdoors. We took you on a hike up Lolo Peak. It's close (only about 20 minutes away) and very easy to get to. So we thought this would be a good first hike for you...just in case it didn't go very well. As we were driving up the mountain it started to rain and lightening was flickering across the sky just above our heads. We were almost going to throw in the towel but decided to eat lunch in the car and see what the weather was like after that. Summer rainstorms seem to blow through pretty quickly. It stopped raining after lunch so we decided why not, we're here so we should at least try. So we got all loaded up and headed up the trail. I carried you in your backpack and daddy had all our gear. Surprisingly, his backpack was heavier than you and your backpack. The hike up was great and you made noise the WHOLE way up. The only time you didn't make any noise is if we stopped to talk to hikers passing by. We didn't have to worry about bears thanks to you! We made it about four miles in to Carlton Ridge. We took a very short break on the ridge as dark clouds were starting to move in again.  I carried you on the way down too. You were talking nonstop for about ten minutes and then silence. We thought something was wrong but daddy peeked in on you and you were sound asleep. We couldn't believe you fell asleep! You slept nearly the entire hike out which was just over an hour. You woke up just as we were getting to the car. So needless to say, you did awesome on your first hike!! It was a blast and we can't wait take you on your next hike. 

On our way up the Lolo Peak Trailhead

A look at Lolo Peak

I think you like your backpack!

Resting at Carlton Ridge

You are really excited to see snow!

Tired Boy!!

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