Monday, July 23, 2012

First Camping Trip

Last weekend we took you on your first camping trip! We went to Lindbergh Lake and camped overnight. Our good friends, Robby and Kate, came with us too. We didn't know how you'd do so we decided we better go somewhere close and also just go for one night. You did really well though! As soon as we got to our camping spot you helped us get everything unloaded and also helped us set up. You loved playing in the tent!! We even setup a play pen for you which you really liked too. You got a little swimming in at the lake and then we had a great spaghetti dinner thanks to daddy. After dinner we hung out around the campfire. We thought you'd be really intrigued by the campfire but you could care less. You were so exhausted that you went down for bed with no problem and you only woke up once the whole night. I think daddy and I were more worried about you because you never stay covered so him and I were constantly checking on you the whole night. The next morning Robby and Kate whipped up a fantastic breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. You liked the pancakes and eggs. All in all, it was a great trip! I think you're ready for a whole weekend of camping!!

Helping set up our sleeping quarters

Who knew, a truck bed is a great play pen!

Taking a break with Aunt Kate

Swinging in the hammock

Could you be any cuter!

Boys time on the hammock

Lindbergh Lake

Loving the water!

Our camp

Hanging by the campfire!

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