Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Month Eleven


Today you turned eleven months old! Only ONE more month and you'll be ONE year old!! Wow, where has the year gone!?! It still feels like we just brought you home from the hospital and were getting used to having you around. But now you're almost one. Maybe it's gone so fast because we can't wait for you to do something new and look forward to rushing home after work so we can see you. It's been so much fun watching you grow and experience new things.

You actually just started walking and took your first steps last week. You did great taking a bunch of steps in a row. Since then, you've taken a couple steps here and there but nothing like last week. That all changed tonight and this time you took more steps on your own without anyone coaxing you. You had the remote in your hand and just started walking across the living room with it. I yelled for daddy to look and then you started walking towards him. You walked back to me and once more back to him. You're getting more and more comfortable walking. Your balance is getting better and you can squat and stand back up really easily now. So I don't think it's going to be to much longer before you'll be walking all the time. Everyone tells me we're in for it but I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait for you to be I don't have to carry you all the time. You are also getting good at waving and blowing us kisses. When I drop you off at daycare I always kiss you goodbye and also blow you a kiss as I'm walking away. Now you'll blow kisses back to me and even wave bye to me. It puts a smile on my face and always makes my day. I love that it is the last thing I see in the morning, it gets me through the day until I pick you up again. Then, as soon as I pick you up from daycare you're already waving to the ladies saying bye and ready to go. You blow them kisses too! They love you and always comment how cute you are. You are so adorable and melt all of our hearts. You make all sorts of noises too. When we drive home, I use my finger to make noises with my lip. You mimic me and do the exact same thing. You're getting really good at it and will even do it on your own to keep yourself occupied. I've also taught you to click your tongue and you'll mimic me whenever I do it to you. You're great at it too!

You're eating really good and are pretty much on regular food now. Occasionally we give you baby food if we're on the go or if you don't like what we give you. Daycare does the same but you're mainly on their meal schedule. Everyday I ask them how you ate and they always say you ate great and liked everything they gave you. They did say you didn't like chef salad so they gave you some baby food on that day and you love mac n cheese but who doesn't like mac n cheese. You love pasta in general just like your momma! We started giving you yogurt again and you seem to like it and you haven't broken out into rash this go around. We gave you yogurt a few months ago and your face broke into a rash so that's why we held off for a little bit. We've given you cheese but are still holding off on giving you  milk. We'll probably start giving you milk after you've turned a year old which is what is recommended. So for now you're still on formula. You're a pro at your sippee cup and love apple and pear juice. So we just started integrating the big boy cup, spill proof of course. The only thing is, you love to the play the game of dropping you're cups on the floor and seeing who will pick them up for you. We pick them up one or two times and then after that it stays on the floor.

You're on a pretty good routine now. Lately every night has been bath time (because you're a very messy eater) so your evening routine is the three B's; bath time, bottle, and bed. We usually brush your teeth before bed because you have six teeth (four up top and two on the bottom) now and we need to keep those suckers clean. We normally put you down at 8pm and you go right to sleep. Then, you'll sleep through night until I wake you up at 6:45am. I usually turn on the lamp, rub your back, and open the curtains. You will do a big stretch and roll around and then sit up and reach for me to pick you up. Then I usually change your diaper and get you dressed. Next, I put you in your high chair and give you a morning snack so I can get my stuff together for the day. Then we're out of the house at 7am so I can get you dropped off at daycare by 7:20am so I can get to work by 7:30am. It's a great schedule and you do really well on it plus we all get lots of sleep.

Happy eleven month birthday sweet little boy!!


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