Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ice Cream

A couple Sundays ago, we heard music playing down the street. It was getting louder and louder so we went out to the street to check it out. To our surprise, it was an ice cream truck driving through our neighborhood. We couldn't just let it go by without stopping it so we flagged it down and got ice cream for all us. We got you a fudge a bar and daddy and I got orange dream bars. You tried my dream bar first and didn't really care for it so I gave you your fudge bar. You've had a fudge bar before so you recognized it as soon as I gave it to you. You got all excited and tried to shove the whole thing in your mouth. Once you realized you couldn't do that, you just started sucking on it which in turn caused your mouth and face to get covered in chocolate. It wouldn't be any fun if you didn't make a mess and get covered in chocolate. That's the best part, right!?!

Here's pictures of us getting the ice cream but I of course didn't get a picture of your messy face after eating the ice cream. Darn it!! Maybe next time!


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