Thursday, December 29, 2011

Month Three


Today you are 3 months old! Your next doctor's appointment isn't for another month but you're doing really well and weigh 13 lbs now. This has been a fun and exciting month, you've changed so much and hit a lot of milestones.

You can grab things now though you can't hold them for very long. You really like to hold your giraffe and rattles. You also like to reach out and touch things. When I was holding you the other day you reached out and touched my face and kept touching my face. It melted my heart!  We've put you in your play gym and you like to reach out and hit the toys dangling in front of you. I don't think you realize you're doing it but we congratulate you every time you do it and encourage you to do it again. You just smile at us. You're not a big fan of your bouncy chair anymore. You don't like to lay back unless you're eating, in your swing, or sleeping. When we hold you, you like to be upright and facing out. You want to see what's going on and if you're facing me or daddy you try to look side to side to see what's going on.

You almost rolled over when we were at Uncle Keith and Aunt Cari's house for Christmas. You'd roll onto your side but you couldn't figure out how to roll completely over. We tried everything to encourage you, laying next to you and talking to you, putting toys next to you that got your attention, but you just couldn't figure out how to push yourself that last bit to roll over. Later that night though, in your crib, you had completely rolled over and were sleeping on your belly. At one point I checked the monitor and saw what you had done and got up to move you onto your back again. But it wasn't before long that you were back on your belly. You probably rolled onto your belly three or four times that night. Now it's become a routine where you'll roll onto your belly at least once a night.

Your sleeping habits haven't really changed much. You're still going to bed around 7:30 or 8 pm and only waking up once a night usually around 3 or 4 am and then you don't wake up until 6 or 6:30 am.  Some times we even have to wake you up so we can make sure to get you to daycare on time and me to work on time. There have been a couple nights though where you've slept completely through the night. One night you slept from 8 pm to 5:30 am. We couldn't believe it! We were so excited and thought you'd start sleeping through the night every night, but the next night you went back to your old routine. We can't complain though, because it really isn't that bad of a routine. Once a night is pretty good!!

You got kicked out of daycare for the first time this month or as daddy says "you got kicked out of school". I got a call that you had two diarrhea diapers and if you had one more I'd have to come get you. Well you had one more and I came and got you and brought you back to my work. Daddy came and got you and took you home. Not only were you out of daycare that afternoon but they have a 24 hour policy so you couldn't go back the next day either. Daddy and I did our first juggling of work so we could watch you. I stayed home with you in the morning and then daddy came home at lunch and watched you in the afternoon. I'm not sure what caused the diarrhea because you weren't sick and you were fine when we got you home.

It has been one exciting month! Happy three month birthday sweet little boy!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Weekend

Before heading to Columbia Falls for the weekend we had our own Christmas as a family, our FIRST Christmas as a family!  We helped you open some of your presents though you weren't really interested unless it lit up or made noise. But we sure enjoyed it all, from watching your reactions to just being together as a family.

 This was your first road trip and we didn't know how you'd do because sometimes you like being in the car seat and then there are other times when you want nothing to do with it unless you're being swung in it. But you did really well sleeping the majority of the trip. Though the beginning of the trip was my favorite when you were still awake. You're talking more and more making all sorts of noises so that's all you did for the first half an hour. Your dad and I talked back to you smiling every time you responded.

Once we arrived at your aunt and uncle's house I put you in their huge bean bag chair. You loved it!! Pretty sure we're going to have to get you one...

While I was busy cooking our Christmas Eve dinner with Grandma you hung out with the rest of the family in the living room. We had a great meal; turkey, stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and formula for you! Yum!!

After dinner it was time for presents! You and Ridge got to go first so we got all your presents out and made each of you a pile. Your dad and I took turns opening your presents. You got a lot of great stuff!!

Tired Boy!

The next morning we got a call that your Great Grandma Erickson had passed away. We'd already planned on making her famous doughnuts so it meant even more after we heard the news. Now its going to be tradition to make her famous doughnuts every Christmas. It was a great day despite the news. Santa Claus stopped by some time in the night and dropped off some goodies for you and Ridge. We spent the rest of the day playing with your toys and watching movies. I'd say it was a very successful Christmas!

Loves his giraffe


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Great Grandma Erickson

Your Great Grandma Erickson passed away Christmas morning. I wish you could have met her because she was a wonderful woman and taught me so much.  I have so many great memories with her too! From the trips to Minnesota each summer to when your great grandma and grandpa would come to Montana to visit. The best memories are when your great grandma taught me how to bake her famous pies which to this day I still make. When you get a little older I'll make one or a couple of her pies and you can tell me what you think of them!! The other great memories are when we'd make doughnuts and have the music going and everyone working the different stations...I was always the sugar shaker!

We love you Great Grandma! You will be greatly missed!!

Meeting "Little Jesse"

Our friends, Erin & Jesse Langston, were in town this weekend along with their little guy Jesse. This is the first time you guys have met since you both were born. You two are only three weeks apart! It was so cute seeing you two interact with each other.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Xmas Tree Hunting

Last weekend we took you into the woods for the first time to find a Christmas tree. You did really well too! I had to do an emergency diaper change though. I had the heat blaring in the truck because I had the door open as I was changing you on the front seat. I was trying to change you as fast as I could so I could get you all bundled up again. Daddy found us a great tree and even better that it was on the side of the road! It was a lot fun getting out as a family and with friends.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Month Two


You are now two months old! And yesterday you had your two month check-up. I wasn't looking forward to it because I knew you weren't going to be a happy camper after you got all your shots. You actually did really well though! The first shot was a piece of cake, you cried for a minute but you were okay as soon as it was done. But by the third shot you were really upset and crying really hard. I felt so bad for you and all I wanted to do was pick you up and comfort you. Luckily it was your last shot and I could pick you up. As soon as I did, you gave us a huge pout lip. We all laughed and I wish I would've gotten it on camera because it was so cute. After you were done with your shots we talked with the doctor on how you were doing. You are now 11 lbs 2 oz. He says you're a little on the skinny side but nothing to worry about. He said to feed you whenever you're hungry, that we can't over feed you. But we already feed you whenever your hungry. All in all your appointment went well, the doctor said you are healthy and doing good.

This week was also your first week at daycare. I think it was harder on me than it was on you. The hardest was when I had to drop you off for the first time Monday morning. I was okay until I got in the car and started to drive away...then I started crying. I knew you would be okay but it was hard leaving you with people I didn't know very well yet and just leaving you period. Up until now the longest I've been away from you at one time is a couple hours not the whole day! But it's gotten easier and I visit you each day on my lunch hour. You're doing well though and everyone loves you. Each day when I pick you up they tell me how well you did, how you ate and slept well and how cute you are! You have already made your first craft too, a reindeer made from your hand prints. It was funny because when I picked you up yesterday they warned me that you had paint all over your hands and feet from doing crafts.

Daycare hasn't affected your home routine too much which is a relief. We didn't know if it would affect your sleeping/eating habits or not. But so far we've only noticed you're getting tired earlier in the evenings. Normally we put you down around 8pm but this week you've been falling asleep around 7 or 7:30 pm. Even though you're going down earlier you're still only waking up once during the night, usually around 2 or 2:30 am. The other night you actually slept until 4:30 am. When I saw what time it was I shot up out of bed thinking I slept through you crying but your daddy said I hadn't missed anything that you slept almost through the night. Yay!! Hopefully you'll be sleeping completely through the night soon!

Happy two month birthday sweet little boy!


Monday, November 28, 2011


You had a very busy Thanksgiving. Being your first one, we had to make the rounds. And your Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brooke, cousins Bohdan and Meridian came to town so you got to meet them for the first time.

To start it off we went to your Great Grandma Wynette's house where we had our first dinner. Grandma and Grandpa had to share you with your aunts and uncles and cousins. Cousin Dani really loved holding you and if she could have she would have held you the whole night.

Next we went to Grandpa Tom's house.  You had a lot of fun playing with your cousins and I think they enjoyed playing with you. Boh is ready for you be walking, he kept asking me if you could walk yet.

The next day we went to Grandpa Mike and Nana B's house. Daddy, Uncle Jeremy, and Uncle Josh went hunting so we hung out until they got back and then had another great dinner. We took you on your first walk too!


Little Griz

A few weeks ago the Griz played the Cats and to show our support we got you all dressed up in your "Griz Gear". You have some family members (not going to name names) who are cat fans so we got to rub it in a little that the GRIZ WON! You'll get to know this tradition real well.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tummy Time

You hate tummy time so we've been propping you up with a pillow just so you will tolerate it longer. You're getting stronger and can hold your head up really well now. Before we know it you're going to be walking!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hands Full

Sophie has learned to share

All Smiles

You've been smiling more and more. Before you would just smile when falling asleep but now you'll give us a big smile when we talk to you. It's so adorable that we'll try to make you smile over and over!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First Halloween


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Meeting Cousin Ridge

Your uncle Keith, aunt Cari, and cousin Ridge came to visit you this past weekend. Ridge kept saying, "where's baby Liam".  So cute!!

First Big Bull

Yesterday daddy went hunting and killed his first big bull, a 6x6. He was so excited!! He said you were his good luck charm since it happened to be the day you turned one month old. I think he's right!  He can't wait to take you hunting. But he'll have to wait until you get a little bigger and can fit into your camo. You even have your first fishing pole already thanks to Uncle Tom.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Month


Today you are one month old. Wow how time flies! Feels like it was just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. A lot has happened this past month and you've changed so much already too.
The first couple weeks we had you home, we had you sleep in our room in a bassinet. That way I could get to you quicker if you needed to be fed or changed.  But now you're in your own room in your own crib and doing great. Thank goodness!! I was a little nervous with you sleeping in your own crib already so we splurged and bought a video monitor. I love it because if I'm worried about you I can just look at the monitor to make sure you're okay. You're sleeping really well now too. We've been putting you to bed around 8 or 9pm and you usually only wake up twice throughout the night, once around 2am and the second around 6am. You don't really fuss either when putting you down. Once I feed you and change you and turn your noise makers on you're good to go. When you're almost asleep you like to smile. It's the cutest thing!! It makes me smile every time.
Breast feeding hasn't been going as smooth. The first couple weeks were really rough. I was really frustrated because you wouldn't latch on and I know you were frustrated because you weren't getting any food. One night I was so frustrated that I broke down in tears because I didn't know what to do. Your dad took over soothing you and put you to bed. The next day we went in and saw a lactation specialist. She was really helpful and gave us some great tips to make feeding easier. Since then breast feeding has been going great and you are eating really well. You eat like clockwork now, usually every two to three hours depending how well you fed before. Though some times you drink too fast and choke so I have to pull you off and sit you up so you can catch your breath. I'm not sure why you do that because I'm not going anywhere and you have all the time in the world.

You love bath time!! The first time we didn't know how you'd do so I got in the tub with you and laid you on my stomach. You did great! You didn't cry at all. We just made sure to keep you warm by covering you with a warm washcloth and daddy made sure to be quick bathing you. Since you did so well the first time we thought we'd try out your little bath tub the next time. You did great in that too! You'd just stare at us as we were bathing you. I think you were really enjoying the warm bath. After the bath we made sure to have warm towel fresh out of the dryer waiting for you. You love that too! You aren't a big fan of us putting lotion on you though. You cry the whole time so we try to hurry so you aren't upset for too long.

Happy One Month birthday Liam! I love you so much!!
