Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Weekend

Before heading to Columbia Falls for the weekend we had our own Christmas as a family, our FIRST Christmas as a family!  We helped you open some of your presents though you weren't really interested unless it lit up or made noise. But we sure enjoyed it all, from watching your reactions to just being together as a family.

 This was your first road trip and we didn't know how you'd do because sometimes you like being in the car seat and then there are other times when you want nothing to do with it unless you're being swung in it. But you did really well sleeping the majority of the trip. Though the beginning of the trip was my favorite when you were still awake. You're talking more and more making all sorts of noises so that's all you did for the first half an hour. Your dad and I talked back to you smiling every time you responded.

Once we arrived at your aunt and uncle's house I put you in their huge bean bag chair. You loved it!! Pretty sure we're going to have to get you one...

While I was busy cooking our Christmas Eve dinner with Grandma you hung out with the rest of the family in the living room. We had a great meal; turkey, stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and formula for you! Yum!!

After dinner it was time for presents! You and Ridge got to go first so we got all your presents out and made each of you a pile. Your dad and I took turns opening your presents. You got a lot of great stuff!!

Tired Boy!

The next morning we got a call that your Great Grandma Erickson had passed away. We'd already planned on making her famous doughnuts so it meant even more after we heard the news. Now its going to be tradition to make her famous doughnuts every Christmas. It was a great day despite the news. Santa Claus stopped by some time in the night and dropped off some goodies for you and Ridge. We spent the rest of the day playing with your toys and watching movies. I'd say it was a very successful Christmas!

Loves his giraffe


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