Thursday, December 29, 2011

Month Three


Today you are 3 months old! Your next doctor's appointment isn't for another month but you're doing really well and weigh 13 lbs now. This has been a fun and exciting month, you've changed so much and hit a lot of milestones.

You can grab things now though you can't hold them for very long. You really like to hold your giraffe and rattles. You also like to reach out and touch things. When I was holding you the other day you reached out and touched my face and kept touching my face. It melted my heart!  We've put you in your play gym and you like to reach out and hit the toys dangling in front of you. I don't think you realize you're doing it but we congratulate you every time you do it and encourage you to do it again. You just smile at us. You're not a big fan of your bouncy chair anymore. You don't like to lay back unless you're eating, in your swing, or sleeping. When we hold you, you like to be upright and facing out. You want to see what's going on and if you're facing me or daddy you try to look side to side to see what's going on.

You almost rolled over when we were at Uncle Keith and Aunt Cari's house for Christmas. You'd roll onto your side but you couldn't figure out how to roll completely over. We tried everything to encourage you, laying next to you and talking to you, putting toys next to you that got your attention, but you just couldn't figure out how to push yourself that last bit to roll over. Later that night though, in your crib, you had completely rolled over and were sleeping on your belly. At one point I checked the monitor and saw what you had done and got up to move you onto your back again. But it wasn't before long that you were back on your belly. You probably rolled onto your belly three or four times that night. Now it's become a routine where you'll roll onto your belly at least once a night.

Your sleeping habits haven't really changed much. You're still going to bed around 7:30 or 8 pm and only waking up once a night usually around 3 or 4 am and then you don't wake up until 6 or 6:30 am.  Some times we even have to wake you up so we can make sure to get you to daycare on time and me to work on time. There have been a couple nights though where you've slept completely through the night. One night you slept from 8 pm to 5:30 am. We couldn't believe it! We were so excited and thought you'd start sleeping through the night every night, but the next night you went back to your old routine. We can't complain though, because it really isn't that bad of a routine. Once a night is pretty good!!

You got kicked out of daycare for the first time this month or as daddy says "you got kicked out of school". I got a call that you had two diarrhea diapers and if you had one more I'd have to come get you. Well you had one more and I came and got you and brought you back to my work. Daddy came and got you and took you home. Not only were you out of daycare that afternoon but they have a 24 hour policy so you couldn't go back the next day either. Daddy and I did our first juggling of work so we could watch you. I stayed home with you in the morning and then daddy came home at lunch and watched you in the afternoon. I'm not sure what caused the diarrhea because you weren't sick and you were fine when we got you home.

It has been one exciting month! Happy three month birthday sweet little boy!


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