Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Month


Today you are one month old. Wow how time flies! Feels like it was just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. A lot has happened this past month and you've changed so much already too.
The first couple weeks we had you home, we had you sleep in our room in a bassinet. That way I could get to you quicker if you needed to be fed or changed.  But now you're in your own room in your own crib and doing great. Thank goodness!! I was a little nervous with you sleeping in your own crib already so we splurged and bought a video monitor. I love it because if I'm worried about you I can just look at the monitor to make sure you're okay. You're sleeping really well now too. We've been putting you to bed around 8 or 9pm and you usually only wake up twice throughout the night, once around 2am and the second around 6am. You don't really fuss either when putting you down. Once I feed you and change you and turn your noise makers on you're good to go. When you're almost asleep you like to smile. It's the cutest thing!! It makes me smile every time.
Breast feeding hasn't been going as smooth. The first couple weeks were really rough. I was really frustrated because you wouldn't latch on and I know you were frustrated because you weren't getting any food. One night I was so frustrated that I broke down in tears because I didn't know what to do. Your dad took over soothing you and put you to bed. The next day we went in and saw a lactation specialist. She was really helpful and gave us some great tips to make feeding easier. Since then breast feeding has been going great and you are eating really well. You eat like clockwork now, usually every two to three hours depending how well you fed before. Though some times you drink too fast and choke so I have to pull you off and sit you up so you can catch your breath. I'm not sure why you do that because I'm not going anywhere and you have all the time in the world.

You love bath time!! The first time we didn't know how you'd do so I got in the tub with you and laid you on my stomach. You did great! You didn't cry at all. We just made sure to keep you warm by covering you with a warm washcloth and daddy made sure to be quick bathing you. Since you did so well the first time we thought we'd try out your little bath tub the next time. You did great in that too! You'd just stare at us as we were bathing you. I think you were really enjoying the warm bath. After the bath we made sure to have warm towel fresh out of the dryer waiting for you. You love that too! You aren't a big fan of us putting lotion on you though. You cry the whole time so we try to hurry so you aren't upset for too long.

Happy One Month birthday Liam! I love you so much!!


1 comment:

  1. Yeay! I'm so glad you're doing this so I can watch him grow up! Give Liam some kisses from me!
