Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Month Two


You are now two months old! And yesterday you had your two month check-up. I wasn't looking forward to it because I knew you weren't going to be a happy camper after you got all your shots. You actually did really well though! The first shot was a piece of cake, you cried for a minute but you were okay as soon as it was done. But by the third shot you were really upset and crying really hard. I felt so bad for you and all I wanted to do was pick you up and comfort you. Luckily it was your last shot and I could pick you up. As soon as I did, you gave us a huge pout lip. We all laughed and I wish I would've gotten it on camera because it was so cute. After you were done with your shots we talked with the doctor on how you were doing. You are now 11 lbs 2 oz. He says you're a little on the skinny side but nothing to worry about. He said to feed you whenever you're hungry, that we can't over feed you. But we already feed you whenever your hungry. All in all your appointment went well, the doctor said you are healthy and doing good.

This week was also your first week at daycare. I think it was harder on me than it was on you. The hardest was when I had to drop you off for the first time Monday morning. I was okay until I got in the car and started to drive away...then I started crying. I knew you would be okay but it was hard leaving you with people I didn't know very well yet and just leaving you period. Up until now the longest I've been away from you at one time is a couple hours not the whole day! But it's gotten easier and I visit you each day on my lunch hour. You're doing well though and everyone loves you. Each day when I pick you up they tell me how well you did, how you ate and slept well and how cute you are! You have already made your first craft too, a reindeer made from your hand prints. It was funny because when I picked you up yesterday they warned me that you had paint all over your hands and feet from doing crafts.

Daycare hasn't affected your home routine too much which is a relief. We didn't know if it would affect your sleeping/eating habits or not. But so far we've only noticed you're getting tired earlier in the evenings. Normally we put you down around 8pm but this week you've been falling asleep around 7 or 7:30 pm. Even though you're going down earlier you're still only waking up once during the night, usually around 2 or 2:30 am. The other night you actually slept until 4:30 am. When I saw what time it was I shot up out of bed thinking I slept through you crying but your daddy said I hadn't missed anything that you slept almost through the night. Yay!! Hopefully you'll be sleeping completely through the night soon!

Happy two month birthday sweet little boy!


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