Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Month Seven


Today you turned 7 months old and you weigh 17lbs! This month you have gone through a lot; from visits to the doctor, to trying new foods, to teeth popping through, and becoming more and more mobile. You keep daddy and I on our toes, that's for sure!

This month you've been at the doctor more than usual. At your six month check-up we found out you had an ear infection and had to be put on antibiotics. Well the antibiotics caused a yeast infection around your "boy parts" and we have had to apply cream to the area four times a day. It's just about gone now. Then when we went in to check on your ear infection we also had the doctor look at a bump on your butt cheek. We found out it was an abscess and it needed to be drained. So we took you to the ER to have it drained. It's one of the hardest things I've had to watch you go through! But now you are doing great and just about healed. Hopefully you never get another one.

You are becoming more and more mobile. You have mastered the army crawl and can go anywhere you want in no time. You even follow me around the house now. I was in the kitchen making something and you came army crawling towards me as fast as you could . It put a big smile on my face. I just love that you follow me around everywhere! You are SO close to full out crawling too. You can get up on your hands and knees no problem, then you rock back and forth (I think debating whether to move forward or not) and even move your hands a little forward. But as soon as you want to move you drop back onto your belly and army crawl. You've figured out how to pull yourself up to stand and so now that's all you want to do. If daddy or I sit on the floor with you, you crawl to us and grab our hands so we can help you stand. Though you do most of the work! We just hold your hands enough to give you a little support and balance. Just today you grabbed a stool and pulled yourself up but you lost your balance and fell down immediately. You hit your head and started crying. But I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be the last time you hit your head. You can sit-up just fine now though you prefer to stand or lay on your belly. You're also going through a phase where you throw a fit if we don't pick you up right away or help you stand-up. We leave you on the floor (surrounded by toys) when we're doing stuff around the house and sometimes you don't want to be left on the floor so you throw a little fit.

You've started experimenting with other kinds of food besides baby food. We've given you cut-up avocados, strawberries, and grapes. You didn't really care for the strawberries but actually liked the avocados and grapes. We've also started giving you the puffs and yogurt melts as a snack before dinner. You're getting really good at grabbing the little pieces with your fingers and shoving them into your mouth. You have two teeth now so you really chomp down on the food when chewing. The face you make is hysterical! You've also ventured into trying the combo flavors of baby food like banana-orange medley and banana-apples-pears. You also started eating more of the dinner flavors like turkey and rice. Your favorites are still sweet potatoes and carrots though. We've started giving you a sippy cup at dinner but you don't really drink out of it. Right now you just bang it on the tray, more playing with it than anything. But we still think it's a good idea to give it to you so you can get used to it. You stare at us any time we drink out of our cups even reaching for it while we're drinking out of it. 

You are talking more and more making all sorts of sounds and noises. It's so much fun listening to you! You've said dada a couple times but it's more by accident and you have yet to associate with daddy. You'll get it though and I think it's going to be your first true word. You aren't really sounding out the mmm's yet so momma could be a little bit. You can also clap your hands. When you get really excited you clap them together and daddy and I cheer you on. You get a big smile on your face and just keep doing it. It's so cute!

We already know you like bath time but you really like it now that you've graduated to the big tub. You love to lay on your back in the water and kick your legs splashing water all around. Daddy and I usually get soaked and you even get splashed in the face but you don't mind one bit. You just keep kicking your legs! You also like to flip over and crawl around in the bath tub. When we turn the water on you crawl right up to faucet so you can stick your hand in the running water. You're definitely a water baby, you move around so easily in the water.

You are an amazing little boy. You have so much personality and are so fun to be around. The first thing people comment on when they meet you is, "he is such a happy boy". Well you are and you bring so much happiness to my life.

Happy seven month birthday sweet little boy!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fun in the Sun

It was such a beautiful weekend last weekend that we couldn't help but play outside. So Sunday we took you for a bike ride and then we went over to Nana B and Grandpa Mike's house for BBQ. This hot and sunny weather really makes it feel like it's summer already!

Trying out the bike trailer!

BBQ time...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Trip to the ER

Today was a very eventful day! What we thought to be just a follow-up doctor's appointment turned into an evening at the ER.

We went into the doctor mainly to see if your ear infection had gone away but you had a bump on your butt cheek that we wanted him to look at also. You didn't have an ear infection anymore but the bump on your butt cheek was an abscess that needed to be drained. He couldn't do it and  he couldn't find any surgeons available at 4 in the afternoon so he sent us to the ER. The ER was really busy so we had to wait a little bit and to make matters worse we couldn't feed you because they might have to give you a sedative. When we finally got to your room and saw who your nurse was, we were RELIEVED! Ben, a family friend, was your nurse. Big sigh of relief! He made things a lot easier for us just knowing you were in good hands. The doctor you had was great too! When it was time for the procedure they didn't want any of us in the room but daddy wasn't going to leave you alone, so he protested a little, and they let him stay. I on the other hand can't watch you in pain, so I decided it would better if I stepped out of the room. I was right outside the door though. They gave you a sedative to put you under, you were still awake but it made you loopy and relaxed. Then they numbed the area and drained the abscess. I could hear you crying off and on and even started crying myself. All I could think about was how I wanted to burst through the door and hold you in my arms. But I knew daddy was at your bedside holding your hand. A nurse came out and told me they were almost done and you were doing great. Shortly after, the doctor came out and said you did great and that she got it all drained and packed. I rushed to your side to see how you were doing and even held you. You still had everything hooked up to you but I could still hold you. You were still upset from the procedure and waking up from the sedative that it took you a while to stop crying. We had to wait a little while before we could feed you so Grandpa Dave played with you, making you laugh and keeping your mind off of what was going on. When we could feed you, you sucked down two 4oz bottles and fell asleep. You slept for almost an hour in my arms and then we woke you up to do one last look over and then you were released from the hospital. Four and a half hours later we made it home.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Tooth

After a couple months of teething, a tooth has finally popped through. I'm not sure how long it's been there but when I was feeding you dinner tonight I felt around in your mouth just to see if you had any teeth yet. And to my surprise, your first tooth had indeed popped through! It's pretty tiny but I was able to get a picture of it. I'll take another picture when it gets bigger.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

For your first Easter, we went up to Canyon Ferry for the weekend with our good friends Robby & Kate. It was a little chilly but we still had a lot of fun. Daddy and Robby went fishing Saturday morning and then we hung out in the cabin where we ate A LOT of great food thanks to Billie! Then the Easter Bunny arrived first thing Sunday morning. We woke up to Easter eggs and presents hidden all over upstairs. We found your Easter basket and even a few eggs in the living room. You loved the Easter eggs! They were easy to grab and you could put them in your mouth no problem.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Terry came over for dinner Sunday night. We had a nice ham dinner with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even some deviled eggs. The Easter Bunny stopped at our house too! You got another basket full of eggs, a bubble wand which lit up (you thought this was really cool), baby food, and a cute polo shirt onesie. All in all I think you made out like a bandit!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Six Month Check-up

You had your six month check-up today and let me just say, this check-up was a lot harder than the other check-ups. Now that you're more aware and have more of an idea on what's going on, you knew something was up. As soon as the doctor started to examine you, you started crying. It could be, every time we come in to the doctor's office you get shots. And this appointment was no different - you got two shots! But before your shots the doctor checked your ears. You had a lot of wax in your ears and had to have it scooped out. This made you really unhappy. Then we found out you have an ear infection! Your first ear infection!! Which is crazy because we never suspected you had an ear infection. You never once tried to grab your ear, you haven't been cranky or fussy, you've just been your happy self. So now you get to take antibiotics for 10 days. After the doctor finished cleaning your ears he gave you two shots, one in each leg. This REALLY made you unhappy. You cried non-stop and kept crying even after I picked you up. I felt horrible and just wanted to hold you and comfort you. It's a good thing the next appointment isn't for another three months!

As for where you're at - you're 16 lbs 4 oz and are 27 inches long. You are above average as far as height but a little under weight. But the doctor said you could be under weight from being sick for two weeks. So he wasn't to worried about it. All in all you're doing well and moving right along.