Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

For your first Easter, we went up to Canyon Ferry for the weekend with our good friends Robby & Kate. It was a little chilly but we still had a lot of fun. Daddy and Robby went fishing Saturday morning and then we hung out in the cabin where we ate A LOT of great food thanks to Billie! Then the Easter Bunny arrived first thing Sunday morning. We woke up to Easter eggs and presents hidden all over upstairs. We found your Easter basket and even a few eggs in the living room. You loved the Easter eggs! They were easy to grab and you could put them in your mouth no problem.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Terry came over for dinner Sunday night. We had a nice ham dinner with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even some deviled eggs. The Easter Bunny stopped at our house too! You got another basket full of eggs, a bubble wand which lit up (you thought this was really cool), baby food, and a cute polo shirt onesie. All in all I think you made out like a bandit!

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