Monday, April 2, 2012

Six Month Check-up

You had your six month check-up today and let me just say, this check-up was a lot harder than the other check-ups. Now that you're more aware and have more of an idea on what's going on, you knew something was up. As soon as the doctor started to examine you, you started crying. It could be, every time we come in to the doctor's office you get shots. And this appointment was no different - you got two shots! But before your shots the doctor checked your ears. You had a lot of wax in your ears and had to have it scooped out. This made you really unhappy. Then we found out you have an ear infection! Your first ear infection!! Which is crazy because we never suspected you had an ear infection. You never once tried to grab your ear, you haven't been cranky or fussy, you've just been your happy self. So now you get to take antibiotics for 10 days. After the doctor finished cleaning your ears he gave you two shots, one in each leg. This REALLY made you unhappy. You cried non-stop and kept crying even after I picked you up. I felt horrible and just wanted to hold you and comfort you. It's a good thing the next appointment isn't for another three months!

As for where you're at - you're 16 lbs 4 oz and are 27 inches long. You are above average as far as height but a little under weight. But the doctor said you could be under weight from being sick for two weeks. So he wasn't to worried about it. All in all you're doing well and moving right along.

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