Thursday, March 29, 2012

Month Six


Wow, today you turned 6 months old! I can't believe you're halfway to being a year old. You're changing so much, becoming more and more like a little boy instead of a little baby. You've also become more of busy bee which means you keep us REAL busy. But it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't!

This month we've exposed you to a bunch of flavors of baby food. You've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, squash, pears, applesauce, and peaches. You don't really care for the peaches or applesauce. When you'd take a bite you'd get a sour look on your face and shake your head side to side. The only way I could get you to eat the applesauce was to mix it with something else which happened to be carrots. Carrots and sweet pototaes are your favorite. So when I give you something new, I'll give you the new stuff first and follow with the carrots or sweet potatoes. That seems to do the trick...for now. You're a pretty good eater though! You usually open your mouth just waiting for the next bite. The new thing you've starting doing is when you're chewing you'll bob your head back and forth. (It looks like you're bobbing your head to music) I'm trying to catch it on video but I haven't been fast enough!

We went out to dinner last night and you got to try some people food too. I wasn't planning on giving you anything but when we got our food you just stared at my plate, even reached for it a couple times. So I grabbed the pickle off my plate and held it up to your mouth. As soon as it touched your mouth you pulled away, you got a real sour look on your face and shook your head side to side. But you came back for more and each time you'd do the same thing. I think you did this at least five times before you actually started sucking on it and even chewing on it. We couldn't help but laugh!!

You are now MOBILE!! You were before with the rolling but now that you can scoot along and do the army crawl, you're really mobile. You can pretty much get to anything on the floor. I've already learned this the hard way when you spilled my coffee after I left it on the floor. You move pretty quick when you see something you want! So we better get going on the baby proofing because you're going to be full out crawling very soon. You already get up on your hands and knees, you just haven't figured out how to go forward.

This has been a rough month as far as sleeping goes. You were sick the first two weeks; you had a real nasty cough and cold. Your cough was so bad that when you were sleeping you'd cough so hard and wake yourself up. So you didn't sleep very well. You were up three to four times a night instead of the once a night or not at all. You also didn't want to go back to sleep so we'd put you in your swing and in no time you'd be back to sleep. It's a good thing we have the swing because it's been a lifesaver! It's been our go-to if you're not sleeping very well or just don't want to go to sleep. Besides the cold and the cough, you had really bad diarrhea. You got kicked out of daycare again for having three diarrhea diapers in one day. So I had to come get you; you hung out with me for a couple hours at work and then daddy came and got you. You couldn't go to daycare the next day either so you and I spent the day at home. You're back to your normal self now - eating like crazy and sleeping through the majority of the night. You've even slept through the night a couple times again.

You've graduated to size 3 diapers now and you're almost out of 6 month clothing. I just finished boxing up all your 3 month and 3-6 months clothes and moved all the bigger sizes in. I can't believe how fast you're moving through the sizes. You're just a growing boy who's getting cuter and cuter every day!!

Happy six month birthday sweet little boy!


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