Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Fishing Trip

We took you fishing for the first time today and we had a blast! Daddy was the big winner in catching fish, he caught three and I caught NONE. But I had a great time just watching you and daddy fish together! It was great seeing you guys have so much fun together, bonding as father and son. I can't wait when you're a little older when you can actually hold the pole and daddy can give you lessons on how to fish.

We didn't realize it but we fished for 4 hours today! We couldn't believe how well you did! You were a champ!! First you did some fishing with daddy, then you hung out on the shore while daddy and I both fished, and then we even got you to take a little nap on the shore. After your nap you even did a little more fishing with daddy. It was a beautiful day and glad we took advantage of it!

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