Monday, April 23, 2012

Trip to the ER

Today was a very eventful day! What we thought to be just a follow-up doctor's appointment turned into an evening at the ER.

We went into the doctor mainly to see if your ear infection had gone away but you had a bump on your butt cheek that we wanted him to look at also. You didn't have an ear infection anymore but the bump on your butt cheek was an abscess that needed to be drained. He couldn't do it and  he couldn't find any surgeons available at 4 in the afternoon so he sent us to the ER. The ER was really busy so we had to wait a little bit and to make matters worse we couldn't feed you because they might have to give you a sedative. When we finally got to your room and saw who your nurse was, we were RELIEVED! Ben, a family friend, was your nurse. Big sigh of relief! He made things a lot easier for us just knowing you were in good hands. The doctor you had was great too! When it was time for the procedure they didn't want any of us in the room but daddy wasn't going to leave you alone, so he protested a little, and they let him stay. I on the other hand can't watch you in pain, so I decided it would better if I stepped out of the room. I was right outside the door though. They gave you a sedative to put you under, you were still awake but it made you loopy and relaxed. Then they numbed the area and drained the abscess. I could hear you crying off and on and even started crying myself. All I could think about was how I wanted to burst through the door and hold you in my arms. But I knew daddy was at your bedside holding your hand. A nurse came out and told me they were almost done and you were doing great. Shortly after, the doctor came out and said you did great and that she got it all drained and packed. I rushed to your side to see how you were doing and even held you. You still had everything hooked up to you but I could still hold you. You were still upset from the procedure and waking up from the sedative that it took you a while to stop crying. We had to wait a little while before we could feed you so Grandpa Dave played with you, making you laugh and keeping your mind off of what was going on. When we could feed you, you sucked down two 4oz bottles and fell asleep. You slept for almost an hour in my arms and then we woke you up to do one last look over and then you were released from the hospital. Four and a half hours later we made it home.

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