Thursday, February 23, 2012

Road Trip to Billings

This weekend we went to Billings with Grandpa Mike and Nana B to visit Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brooke, and cousins Bohdan & Meridian. It was a quick trip but glad we could make it over to see everyone. You did great on the drive over, we only had to stop a couple times to give you a break from the car seat. I think it helped that Daddy and I were in the backseat with you. We kept you entertained since you didn't nap very much.

Daddy playing with you on the drive over

Looking good...though they didn't stay on that long.
We had a great weekend of shopping, eating good food, and just hanging out. We went to all of our favorite stores; Base Camp, Cabelas, and Scheels. We even ordered some take-out from the Olive Garden. Yum! And daddy got plenty of wrestling in with Boh and Meridian. That's the first thing they asked him when we got there, "if they could wrestle".

Posing in front of a Grizzly Bear at Scheels

Gimmie that rabbit!

Movie Time

You and cousin Meridian

Hangin with the cousins

Laughing at Uncle Jeremy

On the drive home, you did even better. You slept pretty much the whole way home especially after daddy and I figured out to pull the visor down over you. We realized that if we covered you, you wouldn't be distracted by everything going on around you and you'd fall asleep. I think you were tired from the busy weekend you had too! Though you slept really well while we were there, even sleeping through the night one night. You were still catching up on your sleep on Monday because at daycare you took a 4 hr nap. The ladies at daycare couldn't believe it!

On the way home we stopped at the Grizzly Bear Sanctuary just outside of Bozeman. We've driven by it a million times and just figured it was a tourist trap but found out it's actually a home for rescued grizzly bears. We found this out after watching a documentary on Brutus & Casey and the sanctuary on the National Geographic channel. I'm glad we stopped because as soon as we got there Lucy (their 1 yr old grizzly bear)  came running to the front of the sanctuary and stood on her hind legs so she could look at us. Then she just played around while we watched her, playing in the snow and throwing a stick around. It was pretty cool!


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