Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Month Five


Today you are 5 months old! I can't believe you're almost halfway to being a year old. It still feels like it was just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital and getting you settled into your room. You're growing way to fast!! Just kidding! I love watching you grow, you're changing so much and are always doing something new. This month especially, it's been a fun and eventful month!!

You are becoming more mobile, not crawling yet, but you roll all over the place. When we get home in the evenings I usually put you down on a blanket on the floor and then go into the kitchen to do dishes, dinner, etc. When I look over to check on you, you have completely rolled off the blanket and trapped yourself against the couch or the entertainment center. So I've been trying to put you in an area that is a little more open so you can roll around more. One of the daycare ladies told me a cute story the other day about you rolling around. They set you on the floor to get some tummy time in. You had a stuffed animal in your hands, a ladybug, and they said you were trying to chew on the ladybug and because you couldn't quite bring it to your mouth you'd rollover and keep rolling over. You were just rolling in a circle making all sorts of noises and the girls at daycare couldn't help but laugh. They said it was so cute! Wish I could've been there to see you do this!! You can't quite sit up on your own yet. So we've been putting pillows behind you or the boppi and working on the tripod position. You don't really care for sitting up, you'd rather stand or lay on your stomach.

This month you've really become interested in your toys and the bouncer we have setup in the living room. Your favorite toy right now is this "atom" looking toy that Grandpa Dave & Grandma Terry got you.  You love your monkey too but any time we go somewhere you have the "atom" in tow. On more than one occasion you've fallen asleep with it tightly grasped in your hand. You really like the bouncer too!! Sitting in a chair that can turn any direction you want, toys surrounding you just waiting to be played with, and buttons that play music. Who wouldn't like a bouncer! Daddy and I sure love it!! If we need to get some stuff done around the house we'll put you in your bouncer and you'll just hang out and play with the toys or watch us do stuff around the house. You love to watch us vacuum. I thought you'd be scared of the vacuum but it's just the opposite. You watched my every move. I vacuumed a few extra times right in front of you since you were enjoying it so much.

We've started you on solids. A couple weeks ago we decided to give you rice cereal to see how you'd do eating from a spoon. At first you didn't know what to think even shaking your head a couple times because you didn't like the taste. But after a few nights of trying just a little bit you came around and started to like it. I think it was by the third or fourth night you started to like it because you would open your mouth waiting for the next bite and then you'd chomp it off the spoon. I could barely keep up with you! You did so well with the rice cereal and are still doing really well with the cereal that we thought we should venture on to some other solids so a couple days ago we gave you sweet potatoes. You like sweet potatoes! We mixed the sweet potatoes with the rice cereal at first and you ate it no problem. Then we just gave you sweet potatoes and you really liked that. I can't wait for you to try other solids!

You said your first word this weekend! Well what sounded like a word anyways!! We were at Bed, Bath, & Beyond looking at curtains for your room and while we were talking to a salesperson you looked at her and said "hi". This may of been an accident because you haven't said it again since then but when you said what sounded like "hi" that's all you said. We couldn't believe it!! We've been trying to get you to say hi again and I think you've come close but not like the "hi" you said in the store.

You're an amazing little boy! Every morning I look forward to getting you up and getting you ready for the day. It's my favorite moment with you! As I get you dressed for the day you just look up at me and smile. We even play a little game where I try and kiss your neck while making funny noises. You laugh each time I do it, laughing more and more each time. You're so ticklish that you'll try and hide your neck by moving your head towards me. I love your smile, your laugh, and everything about you.

Happy five month birthday sweet little boy!


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