Monday, May 27, 2013

Swan Lake

We went to Swan Lake this weekend and stayed with the Mintyala's. We had never been to their spot on the lake until now so it was great we could finally make it up. It was a little early to be playing in the water and the weather wasn't supposed to be very nice so we didn't even bring our swimsuits up. But we did lots of other fun things! You were content playing on the beach, throwing rocks non-stop. Then when the boys put the dock in, you of course wanted to go on that. We forgot your life jacket but luckily Jay & Sandi had one that fit you. You were "Mr. Independent" and wanted to do everything yourself including walking on the dock yourself. Alex kept a close eye on you so I didn't worry to much.

We were planning on staying in a tent and had brought all of our gear but Jay and Sandi had a camper nobody was using. So we thought why not, it would be more comfortable for you. Little did we know it would be a chore getting you to fall asleep! First, when you're camping you're oblivious to the time and since we didn't get to the lake until lunchtime Saturday the day had really flown by. Plus with it light out so long we didn't realize how late it was. So once we realized it was your bedtime, I took you in the camper and tried to lay you down. We didn't bring a bottle and only had a sippy cup which wasn't a bad thing because we're trying to get you off the bottle anyway. But the camper was so bright that you wanted nothing to do with going to sleep or laying down period. I called in for reinforcements and got the DVD player thinking you'd fall asleep to a movie. But that didn't work either! So we decided to wait until it got darker or until you got a little more tired and then try it again. Kody and Alex had gone into their motor home to watch a movie so you went in there for a little while. But then you came and sat around the campfire with us. You made the rounds in all of our laps and when you got to Uncle Jay he tucked you in holding you tight. At first you wanted to escape but he was rocking you and you got heavy eyed real quick. Before we knew it you were asleep! Hooray, great job Uncle Jay! It was an easy transition to your bed too! The next night was a little easier because Jay and Sandi went home that day and let us stay in their motor home instead. Their bedroom gets really dark so I just laid on the bed with you for a few minutes and before I knew it you were out. From this I found out you like to suck on your hand and bite it, leaving teeth marks. You also like to chew on your puppy pillow almost like you're trying to rip off tiny pieces of the fur. I couldn't really tell though. I was just happy you fell asleep!

We had a lot of fun at the lake and can't wait to go back especially when it's nice enough to play in the water!

Wrestling with Kody

Enjoying the beach with daddy

Throwing rocks, the bigger the splash the better!

Daddy taking a quick kayaking ride to help put the pump in

Having fun on the dock with Alex

The Three Musketeers!

Licorice break with Uncle Jay

Oh Wow!

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