Sunday, May 5, 2013

Month Nineteen


You're just past the half way point to being TWO so it's all downhill from here! You're nineteen months old!

This has been another rough month for you. You've had one ear infection after another. At your eighteen month check-up we found out you had an ear infection so two weeks later we had a follow-up appointment to make sure it went away. It was better but not completely gone and definitely not good enough to keep you off antibiotics. At the follow-up he also said you had symptoms of the beginning stages of RSV or something similar to it. You were wheezing and had fluid in your chest. So you got antibiotics for that too. To say the least, you've been on antibiotics most of this month but are just about done with them. You're not a big fan of these antibiotics! They didn't taste as good as the last one you got and you had to have two doses this time instead of one. Plus these antibiotics gave you really bad diaper rash. Your poor bum was really red for a while. We gave you a bath almost every night just so your bum could soak. You're almost a 100% now and have another check-up in a week. We're crossing our fingers you get a clean bill of health!

You're learning more and more words every day! Your favorite word right now is "MINE". Everything is yours or as you say...mine! We think you learned this at daycare because out of the blue you started saying this all the time. When you want something in general you point and say mine, if someone else has something you want you go towards them saying mine, or you just grab something that's yours and say mine. We've been trying to help you understand when something is yours and when it's not and when you need to share. You've been pretty good about it but sometimes we can't help but laugh...without you seeing of course! You also say a lot of works from your Old MacDonald book; E-I-E-I-O, cow, quack quack for duck, and pig. You love to say truck and say it every time you want to get into daddy's truck. You can say hi and bye really well now. When we're in a public place you'll say hi to everyone who walks by. You love it if they say hi back and give them a big smile. It never gets old, we laugh every time. When we're leaving we tell you to say bye and you say bye every time. Your bye is so cute you get smiles every time. You can say up and down now which is really helpful especially when you're done eating. Though right now you're going through a phase where if we're busy or can't pick you up right that second you'll grab our legs and try and turn us towards you saying up the whole time. Sometimes we can get you to hold on for a second until we're not busy otherwise you just have a mini meltdown and fall to the ground.  You're also going through a hitting phase. If we tell you no or if you don't like something you'll try and hit us or you'll hit the closest thing to you and give us a look...almost like you're trying to intimidate us. Sorry to disappoint, but that doesn't work and neither does trying to hit us. It never goes over well with either of us so I think you're starting to realize hitting isn't a good thing. I think you only do it with us though because we've never gotten complaints from daycare.

Now that the weather is nicer all you want to do is play outside. As soon as we get home you say, "side...side" and want to go outside. And once you're outside it's hard to get you to come in for dinner or even bed. On the weekends we try and wear you out with hikes, playing at the park, or just playing in our front yard. You definitely keep us busy and are always on the go! We love you very much and looks forward to our camping and hiking trips this summer.

Happy nineteen month birthday sweet little boy!


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