Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day Hike

For Mother's Day last Sunday we decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.We decided to hike one of our favorite hiking spots, Morrell Falls. I think a lot of people had the same idea because when we got there the parking lot was packed, the busiest I've ever seen it actually. On the bright side we got there late enough that a lot of people were already on their way down. We decided to push it to the top so we'd have plenty of time to play at the waterfall and also if you wanted to walk a bit on the way down. So daddy put you in the backpack and in no time we made it to the waterfall. There was just a little bit of snow on the trail but nothing that we couldn't handle. The waterfall was roaring! There was so much mist from the gushing water that we had to hurry and take photos and then take cover behind trees. It was a little chilly and wet so we didn't stay at the waterfall long. On the way down you got tired and actually fell asleep in the backpack. I felt bad for you because you looked so uncomfortable. You couldn't really rest your head on the pad in front of you so your head would bob every time daddy took a step. We pushed to get out so we could put you in your car seat to nap. But as soon as we got to the truck you woke up and never went back to sleep. Figures! To end the fun day we stopped in Seeley at the ice cream shop and had huckleberry shakes. They were delicious and a wonderful treat!

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