Saturday, June 30, 2012

Month Nine


Yesterday you turned nine months old! It has been another exciting month. You are becoming quite the lil' man too!! You are becoming more independent where you want to do things more yourself and you have no fear. (I'll explain that later) You also have more of a personality and are interacting with us more and more. Which we thoroughly enjoy because we could sit and play with you all day just laughing at everything you do.

Dropping you off at daycare has become a little harder in the last week or so. Usually when I drop you off I either hand you off to one of the daycare ladies or I'll put you in one of the seats at the table so you can have your breakfast. But lately you won't let me hand you over to the daycare ladies, you grab me tighter and turn away. So I've been putting you in seat instead and as soon as I do this you arch your back and cry. I've been having to kneel next to you to comfort you. This seems to work...for now! I'm dreading the day you full out cry and I have to walk away with you still crying. Other than that, day care has been going really well. The ladies all love you and they always have some cute story to tell us about you minus the occasional incident. Like this last week, when I got there to pick you up, one of the ladies asked me if you hit us at home. I said no but you had learned to splash in the water. She said the reason she was asking is you were hitting another kid on the head. This shocked us because you have never hit us. But she said it wasn't bad and you stopped immediately after they told you not to do this. So that's good that you listen. Then we hear cute stories like how you were standing next to one of the ladies while she was feeding another baby and you just started laughing for no reason. They all loved it because you just kept laughing. They even got it on video and showed us when we arrived to pick you up. It was so cute!

You are eating really well still. You're trying a lot of new things though some things you don't care for. You have no problem with the baby food that is completely pureed but the baby food that is a little chunky you don't care for at all. We've given you a couple flavors (spaghetti and meatballs, turkey and vegetables, pasta primavera, etc) and no matter what the flavor is you don't like it. You don't like the chunks, you gag every time. So to make it a little easier and to get you used to it slowly, we give you a couple bits of the chunkier baby food and then we'll give you some of the other baby food that you like. We've also been giving you more of our food. We've given you some pasta (when we were at the Olive Garden I gave you some ravioli and bread loved them both!), grapes, avocados, cheese, and toast. You love your puffs and the gerber cookies we give you. We've also introduced water to you. So far we've given it to you through a straw. As soon as it touches your mouth, you shake your head and shiver. I think it's the shock of being so cold. The funny thing is you want more. So we give you more and you react the same way. It's so funny but great that you want to keep trying new things.

You are becoming quite the daredevil and have no fear whatsoever. You like to crawl all over the couch but when you want to get down you will just let yourself fall right over the edge. So we stay pretty close to you so we can catch you or we line the floor with pillows. We've turned it into a little bit of a game where you'll fall into the pillows over and over again. You are also not scared of the stairs. Daddy and you were over at our friends house and they have two flights of stairs. Well you crawled the first flight of stairs no problem and I think it's about ten steps. When you got to the landing you turned around and looked at daddy and then crawled back down going head first. Daddy said you did great and couldn't believe you went up and down them so easily. You're moving around great now becoming quite the speedy crawler. The ladies at daycare have even commented on how fast you crawl. You pull yourself up without any effort almost like its second nature. That's all you want to do unless you want to go somewhere, then you crawl. You walk around the furniture and can get into almost anything now. You've even stood a couple seconds completely on your own. This morning daddy got you take your first step towards him without holding onto anything. (Hopefully I can get the next step on camera)

You love bath time still! As soon as I turn on the water you're crawling in after me trying to look into the tub or trying to get into the tub. Once you're in the tub you want to stand up and grab the faucet. You haven't figured out how to turn it on, instead you use it more as a handle. You don't like to lay in the water anymore. When I lay you in the water to rinse you off, you can't wait to sit back up. You have learned how to splash in the water. You splash so much you get both you and I wet. Sometimes I have to setup a shield to keep me from getting wet. But I don't mind because I love watching you have fun and  laugh at all these things you do. 

Happy nine month birthday sweet little boy! You are amazing and you bring so much happiness to our lives. We love you so much!


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