Monday, July 2, 2012


Today you were a rockstar! You had your nine month check-up which went really well and then we had to take you to the lab to get some blood work done. At the check-up the doctor just looked you over and took your measurements and weighed you. You are 28 1/2 inches long and weigh 18 lbs 14 oz. All eights this time! But we found out you have another ear infection. I think this is your third ear infection. So you're back on antibiotics and go in for another check-up in a couple weeks. After the check-up, we had to take you over to the lab so they could take some blood and run some tests for anemia. We weren't looking forward to this since we know how you react to needles. When we got into the room, you sat in my lap while they got you ready to take some blood. When they were ready to poke you with the needle we all took a deep breath and looked at you waiting for you to cry. But to our surprise, you just looked at the nurse and flinched a tiny bit when she poked you with the needle. You didn't make a peep! Unreal!! We couldn't believe it!! We thought for sure you'd start crying. The nurses loved it and hoped you were their last patient so they could end on a good note. I hate when you cry because of pain so I was SO happy you didn't cry. You are a rockstar!!

On the way home from your check-up

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