Monday, February 16, 2015

Month 8 & 9

You are now 9 months old! Once again I've been slacking and haven't been keeping up on your posts. And since I can't differentiate between the two months I'm just going to combine them into one post like I did before.

You had your 9 month check-up a few weeks ago and the doctor says you're doing great. You were 27 inches long and weighed 18.2 lbs. When we looked at your chart your weight is steadily going up but your height hasn't really changed much. He wasn't too concerned though and said we'll see where it's at next appointment. He did say you have a big head which I think he's commented on every time we've gone in. So that means you're going to be really smart right...ha! This was a quick and easy appointment and the best part about it was you didn't have to have any vaccinations. We did however, have to go to the lab so you could get some blood drawn. Daddy took you in while I stayed in the waiting room with your brother. He said you did really good though!

The biggest change these last couple months is your diet. You're still on formula but besides baby food we've started giving you regular food. We've given you both puffs and yogurt drops but you're not a big fan of the yogurt drops. I think they're to tart for you just like the apple/strawberry puffs are which you spit out immediately if I try to give them to you. So far the only thing you really like of that stuff is the sweet potato puffs. We've also given you grapes, peaches, and avocados but you're really not a fan of any of that either. You just push it off your plate and sometimes push it onto the floor. You do like most bread whether its toast, rolls, etc. You love graham crackers, pancakes, and I gave you macaroni and cheese today and you loved that. So we just go through the rotation of giving you whatever we're eating and if you don't like it or are still hungry we give you baby food. Then if you're still hungry or between eating's we give you a bottle. Its working pretty good so far!

You still just have two teeth, the two lower front teeth. Though the top front teeth are trying to come in as they are just barely starting to break through. And I think because of this you've been extra fussy. But who wouldn't, that's gotta hurt! So we've been giving you teething tablets and they seem to help you quite a bit. Other than this, you've pretty much been healthy these last two months which we couldn't be happier about.

You sleep through the night most of the time still though you went through a spurt where you'd wake up once a night for a midnight feeding. This went on for about a week or so. Even though you'd finish an 8 or 9 oz bottle before bed you'd still wake up anywhere between 2 and 4 am wanting another bottle. Maybe you were going through a growth spurt or just wanted the extra cuddles but now you're back to sleeping through the night. I love the late night cuddles but I like my sleep so I'm so glad you're sleeping through the night again.

You can sit up really well now and don't really lose your balance and fall over anymore. So we don't have to be as cautious and surround you with pillows. You are great on your belly and have mastered the army crawl and if something is within 360 degrees reach you'll swivel around on your belly until you can reach it. It is hilarious watching you army crawl, you look like a little snake. It takes you a little longer to get places but you get there and are so proud of yourself after you do. Once you've reached a new spot you turn and look at us and smile. You can also push yourself up onto your hands and knees in a crawl position. So it could be any day you start full out crawling! Then we're really in trouble!!

You have so much personality and are talking more and more. You haven't really said any real words that we can tell anyway. Though daddy said you said momma one morning when he was getting you dressed. But you haven't said it again. You are such a happy baby and always greet us with a smile, a smile that never gets old.

Happy nine month birthday sweet little boy!! I love you so much!


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