Monday, December 1, 2014

A Superhero Halloween

Halloween went a little differently this year. We all had a lot of fun but the kids had little bit of a rough start and by kids I mean more Liam than Mason. No naps definitely played a big part in that. First stop was at Nana B's work for their annual Halloween Party. Mason hung out with Grandpa Mike while Liam and Nana B played games and decorated cookies. But then Liam saw a woman dressed up as a skeleton from Day of the Dead and it was all over. Her face was all painted and I think this is what scared him so bad. He wanted nothing to do with her and hid from her under a table while crying. We couldn't do anything to make him feel better so we ended up leaving. Poor guys, felt so bad for him!

Him and Mason were so tired though that they fell a sleep on the way home. Good thing because we had a busy night of trick-or-treating with the neighbor kids. We went all over the neighborhood and Liam had a blast running around with the other kids. We were out for a few hours and well after it got dark so it's a good thing we got him light-up shoes because those definitely came in handy that night. We're still rookies though because we had to run back to the house to get a few things we didn't think of the first time like a stroller to carry the beer and of course Mason and extra bags so we can off load candy when Liam's bag got to heavy. But this is our first year really trick-or-treating so we'll do better next year! 

After the kids couldn't trick-or-treat anymore we ended the night at our neighbor's house to hang out a little bit longer.The kids were all hopped up on sugar so it was great to let them run off a little more energy while the adults had a beverage!

Liam wanted to be Batman so Mason of course had to be Robin!

Having fun at the Halloween Party at Nana B's work

Sleepy boy!

Time to trick-or-treat!

Such a little ham!!

Here are a few pictures from when we went to the pumpkin patch and carved pumpkins.

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