Sunday, October 19, 2014

Liam's 3rd Birthday

Liam is becoming more aware of birthdays, holidays, and other traditions. When Liam hears its some one's birthday the first thing he says is, "Will there be birthday cake?" Definitely a sweets kid!

So this year we asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and what kind of cake he wanted. He said, "ride the horses at the carousel and a ninja turtle cake!" Well that's exactly what he got. 

Making the cake was a lot of fun this year. I got my inspiration from Pinterest and this is how it turned out. The best part was as I was making the heads of the ninja turtles Liam says, "Oh you gotta make them swords too!". My exact response was, "Sorry bud, I'm not making bodies just the heads so no swords." Luckily, the heads were good enough for him. He loved his cake which made me very happy.

He had a blast at the carousel but he always does. This time though he loved riding it with Micah and Asher and with them all wearing their teenage mutant ninja turtle masks. Three happy boys that's for sure! And a big accomplishment for Liam as he had never rode on the carousel by himself but when Asher and Micah got there he saw them riding it by themselves so he wanted to do it too. It made me very happy because now we can go to carousel when we have Mason and Liam can ride while Mason and I watch. I lost track how many times those boys rode the carousel but it definitely was an hour and a half of pure happiness. 

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