Saturday, August 16, 2014

Month Three


You turned three months old a few weeks ago...yes a few weeks ago! Once again I am behind and posting your monthly update a few weeks late. It seems like the days/nights just fly by with you and Liam and before we know it you're already another month older. Will you stop growing already!! I'm not ready for you to get any bigger let alone grow out of the baby stage. But I know Liam can't wait for you to walk so you and him can run around together!

This month we moved you into your room that you share with Liam. Your crib is on one side of the room and right across on the other side is Liam's bunk bed. So far having you both in the same room has been going really well. I didn't think it would go this well actually and thought you would wake up your brother more or he would wake you. But you're a pretty good sleeper and normally only wake up once or sometimes not at all. The only bad thing is we can't let you cry it out for very long because we don't want you to wake your brother. So now we rush into your room whenever you start crying...not a good habit to start! So far you've only woken your brother up once and that was when you weren't very happy to get a diaper change first instead of being fed. Liam's woken you up a few times though because he has nightmares (at least that's what we think it was) here and there he will wake up in the middle of the night crying causing you to stir and wake up. But he usually goes back to sleep right away and then we feed you and rock you in your chair and you go back to sleep too.

You're definitely a mover! You're a really good sleeper, actually a great sleeper and we are already spoiled with you only getting up once or sometimes not at all. We normally put you down around 8/8:30pm and you sleep through most of the night not waking up until 4:30/5am. After a bottle, you go back to sleep for a few more hours depending if you have to go to daycare or not. But there are nights where you're just not tired yet and don't want to go down or in the middle of the night don't want to go back in your crib. So we put you in your swing and you instantly fall asleep.Then after a bit we'll move you into your crib. You like to sleep on your belly now. We stopped swaddling you all together and just lay a blanket over you now since you like to rollover while you sleep. When we put you to bed we lay you on your back and you either instantly roll over or rollover some time in the night. Once you're on your belly you stay that way for the rest of the night.

You can rollover both ways now, from your back to your belly and your belly to your back. I haven't seen you roll from your belly to your back in a while so right now I think it's easier for you to roll from your back to belly. I've tried catching it on video but every time I try you won't do it. You do it when I leave you on your back to play and when I come back to check on you you're on your belly.

You're such a good baby and I'm not just saying that because you're my kid. You are such a happy baby and never really get fussy. The only time you get fussy or upset is when you're hungry or overly tired. So pretty much the normal things that babies get mad about! You're getting more and more of a personality. You smile all the time and the new thing you do is you move your lips together like you're motor boating (no other way to put it really to describe it!) and blow bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles and a whole lot of drool. It's the cutest thing because I'll move my lips like that too and you'll do it right back to me. Then we smile and do it again. I love it! The last weight check you had was a couple weeks ago and you were right around 13 lbs.

Happy three month birthday sweet little boy! We love you so much and you fill our lives with so much joy!!


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