Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Monstrous Halloween

Halloween fell on a Thursday this year which was perfect because I have Thursday's off. We were able to spend the whole day together celebrating Halloween! Though I was a little worried whether you'd wear your costume or not because you never let us put it on you. I got it a couple weeks before Halloween and tried multiple times putting it on you but you'd freak every time. One time I got you halfway in it but you really freaked out and kept repeating out...out...out! So I didn't try to hard because I didn't want you to hate it when Halloween came around. But getting you to wear it on Halloween...that's a whole other story!

Your daycare was having a Halloween pajama party so we stopped by and had a few snacks and listened to Halloween music. Let the sugar high begin and at only 9:30 AM! I just kept telling myself, it's one day a year, and you never get to eat this much sugar. I brought your costume to daycare because if I couldn't get you in your costume I knew the ladies at daycare could especially Elaine. I was able to get you halfway in but you started to freak out so I picked you up and took you to Elaine. She was able to get you in the rest of the way and we got a few photos. You look absolutely thrilled!

I didn't dare take you out of your costume but you'd get hot in it so between seeing people I'd take the top part off. Plus it was easier to get you in the car seat without you fully in it. After the party we went and surprised a few people at their works. We went and saw Grandma Terry, Aunt Sandi, and Grandma Pam. You got really good at saying "trick-or-treat" and everyone loved your costume! 

At Grandma Terry's work

Visiting Aunt Sandi

After all this fun, we took a little break and went home so we could have some lunch and take a nap. We both took naps which was great because we had a very busy afternoon/evening planned. After naps, we went to a party at Nana B's work. You had a blast with all the games especially the bean bag games. You were really good at them too and could really throw the bean bags at the targets. Too bad I didn't catch it on video! There was also a balloon popping game with little prizes in the balloons, a cookie frosting station, and a haunted house. It was a great party!

To end the night, we went over to Grandpa Tom's house and hung out with Grandpa Tom and Grandma Pam. We even did a little trick-or-treating around their neighborhood. You did great saying "trick-or-treat" and if you got to pick out your own candy you took not just one piece but sometimes two or three. I had to laugh because you would've kept grabbing candy if they would've let you. You definitely have a sweet tooth and love candy!

Happy Halloween Liam! 

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