Thursday, August 29, 2013

Month Twenty-three


You turned twenty-three months today! I can't believe it!! Another month has passed us by and now only one more month until you turn TWO! It has been a very busy month but still can't believe you, my baby, is going to be TWO in just a few weeks. But enough about that because I don't want to think about that anymore. This month has been super busy! We've had something going on every weekend. We went to Yellowstone the beginning of the month and camped for four nights, we went to the fair, and we just got back from Glacier. It's a good thing you like the outdoors because that's all we've been doing!

This month I changed my work schedule around so I have Thursdays off instead of Fridays. We did this so you'd only be in daycare three days a week instead of four. So you go to daycare Mon-Wed, stay home with me on Thursdays, and Grandma Terry & Grandpa Dave watch you on Fridays. Though with the weather being so nice, Grandma Terry has been picking you up Thursday nights after she gets off work and taking you out the ranch to spend the night and play all day Friday. You have a blast every time you're down there. You get to see the cows, float boats in the ditch, and blow bubbles with Grandpa Dave. It's funny because the last time you were going to go down I asked you if you wanted to go down to the ranch and see "papa". You said, "yes, papa boats and bubbles". Grandma Terry actually just picked you up tonight and you get to stay the whole weekend with them!

You've been talking a lot more! We play a game in the car both on the way to daycare and on the way home where I ask you "what sound does a (animal) make". I usually ask the sounds of a cow, horse, duck, monkey, bear, and an elk. You know all of them and say them instantly when I ask. Daddy is pretty proud you know what an elk says. He can't wait to take you hunting! We also play a game when daddy and I are on either side of you and we both hold your hands. Then we count all together ...1...2...3.... and swing you into the air. You love this game and will want to do it over and over again until mommy and daddy's arms get tired. You usually skip 2 and just say 1....3! And if we're not paying attention you drop and drag your feet forcing us to lift you or swing you. If we're in a hurry we play this game, because we can move you a lot faster this way!

You used the potty for the first time yesterday! It was more exciting for us than for you but I was clapping and saying "yay" and then you looked up and started clapping too. Your potty plays music when you use it so you started dancing too. We knew you were getting close because this last week you've been asking to use the potty right before bed. Normally you ask as I'm putting pajamas on you and getting you into a new diaper, then I have to strip you down and take you to the potty. Then you just sit on it for a minute and say done. But last night you looked down and just started to go potty! Time for potty training now! So after you get back from the ranch we plan to really focus on potty training even using M&M's as an incentive.

Happy twenty-three month birthday sweet little boy! We love you so much! As the quote on your bedroom wall says, "The laughter of a child is the light of the home". You bring us so much joy!!


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