Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ty & Adriana's Wedding

Last weekend we went over to Bozeman for Ty (your 2nd cousin) & Adriana's wedding. We went over Friday so we could hangout with family at the rehearsal dinner Friday night. Saturday was your 1st birthday so before the wedding we had breakfast with Grandpa Dave, Grandma Terry, Uncle Keith, Aunt Cari, and cousin Ridge. Afterwards we did a little birthday celebration and you got to open presents!

It was a perfect day for a wedding, gorgeous location and great weather. You did awesome too! We didn't know how you'd do with no naps but you sat through the entire ceremony without making a peep and then you were pretty much go..go..go the rest of the night. You were a dancing machine and just made loops around the dance floor all night. Everyone sure got a kick out of you and loved your "tie" shirt.

Holding hands with cousin Ridge and look you're twins!

Doing what kids do best, exploring!

Aunt Jenn & Momma

Cuddling with Grandpa Dave just before the ceremony

Beautiful ceremony - Congrats Ty & Adriana!

All the siblings

Ty & Adriana's daughter, Kaiya, aka the cutest flower girl ever. 

First Dance

The dancing machine!

Just taking a break

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