Monday, October 29, 2012

Month Thirteen


Today, you turned thirteen months old!  But where to begin!?! It's been a very busy month and it sure has flown by. We've had a ton of fun though! With it now getting into the holiday season we've been busy with all sorts of Halloween festivities; from picking out your pumpkin, to carving it, and picking out your costume. I love Halloween and I love that I get to share all the traditions I did as a kid with you. I can't wait to get you all dressed up and take you trick-or-treating!

Now that you're walking, you sure keep us busy. When we go to the store, if we don't put you in the cart you want to walk all over the place. And when I say all over the place, I mean ALL OVER THE PLACE! You don't really listen yet when we ask you to "come this way" meaning come with us. You have your own agenda and want to explore. I mean what kid wouldn't! So when you do get to explore we just go with it and follow you around. You like to go for walks in general so when we're at home you'll point to the door when you want to go outside. We have a little park area in front our house with a sidewalk all around it and you'll just cruise up and down it.

You're getting better and better at communicating! You point at things you want and will say something at the same time. Though we can't understand what you're saying yet, it's cute just listening to you talk to yourself. You say momma and dadda all the time now. I look forward to picking you up everyday because as soon as I get there and you see me, you'll point at me and say momma. It melts my heart! You are also learning how to express your frustrations when you don't get what you want. You'll stand at our feet and cry and grab at our legs trying to get us to pick you up. But when we're busy and can't do it at that very moment, you'll throw a little bit of a fit and fall to the ground and cry. I'm not going to lie, it's hard watching you do this. All I want to do is pick you up but I know I can't because then you'll think I'll pick you up any time you do this.

Some other big changes is you only drink whole milk now. Yay, no more formula! You are also down to one nap a day though on occasion you'll still take two naps depending on your mood. You actually made this big change at daycare because you're going to be moving to the next room in a month or two and you only get one nap in that room. So we've started to give you one nap at home too! With a big change like this we noticed you were getting a little cranky in the evenings so we changed your bedtime to 7:30 instead of 8pm. This really seems to help! We still give you a night time bottle so the next big task is to not give you bottle right before bed anymore. But I think that's a task for next month...

Happy thirteen month birthday sweet little boy! You bring a smile to my face, every day, every hour, every minute, every second!  I love you so much!


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