Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter at the Ranch

This year we celebrated Easter at the ranch with Grandpa Dave & Grandma Terry. Aunt Cari and the kids were able to make it over too. This was a pretty special Easter as it was the first time we brought our kids down to the ranch to celebrate Easter. When I was a kid, we always went down to the ranch for Easter where we'd hang out with family, have a big Easter egg hunt, and do lunch/dinner afterwards. So it was pretty special we could share this tradition with our kids.

The night before Easter we colored eggs at our house. Daddy and I colored most of the eggs and Liam helped of course but he was more our decorator sprinkling the eggs with glitter and covering them in stickers!

 The next day we went to the ranch. While we were all inside visiting, the Easter Bunny had stopped by and left all sorts of goodies. Liam and Ridge jumped up immediately once they heard that and after we handed them each a bucket they ran outside to see what they could find. Sage wasn't too far behind them either! I had to laugh at Liam because any time he found a plastic egg he'd immediately crack it open and see what was inside which was either money or candy. When he found a real egg he'd try to open it and then he'd drop it saying "it won't open" almost like he was disappointed there was nothing fun inside. I followed behind him picking up the real eggs and the plastic eggs minus the goodies that were inside. Ridge and Sage had a lot of fun finding the eggs too. After everyone found their Easter baskets and all the eggs we had a BBQ and sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

A little help from Uncle Jesse!

Look at all that loot!

Ridge was pretty excited about his golf club!

And so was Liam!

Got a hug from little miss Sage!

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