Saturday, January 11, 2014

Big Changes

You've gone through quite a few changes the last couple months and there are still more BIG changes to come. The biggest change is your going to have a little brother the end of April. We've been busy getting everything ready and preparing you for this change. 

We turned your crib into a toddler bed so you could get used to having a big boy bed. Your little brother, Mason, will be using your crib and we wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to get used to your bed before he arrived. We don't want you wanting the crib again when you see your little brother in it!

You're doing really well sleeping in it and have only fallen out of it a couple times. You never want any help getting into bed, you always insist "I do it". Getting out is another story, you won't get out until one of us comes to get you. This is nice right now but hopefully you learn to get out by yourself. 

Since Mason is going to be using your crib/toddler bed we got you a new bed, bunk beds actually. They're in the other bedroom right now and you love playing on them already. Especially climbing up the ladder to go to the top bunk. You and Mason are going to be sharing a room so this weekend we're moving you into the bigger bedroom. You get to stay with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Tom while we paint and make the switch. When you get back home Sunday your room should be put back together and you might even be able to sleep in your new bunk bed Sunday night. We'll see how it goes!

Potty training is another thing we're working on with you. Our goal is have you potty trained and out of diapers by the time your little brother arrives. If you're still in diapers though that's okay but it'd be nice to just buy diapers for one kid! Right now you are showing some interest in going potty in the potty but you don't do it as much as we'd like. Usually you only go once or twice if we're lucky. We've transitioned you to pull-ups but I don't think you really notice a difference. So I think we may skip the pull-ups and try using big boy underwear and see if that helps.

Now just waiting for baby Mason to arrive....

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