Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter 2013

We had a blast this Easter! Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brooke, and cousins Bohdan & Meridian came over from Billings. So we were on the go all weekend long!!

First up...coloring Easter eggs! This has been a family tradition of mine since I was a kid. I remember going to great grandma Wynette's house the day before Easter and sitting around the table with Uncle Keith & Ryan and our cousins and coloring Easter eggs. The table was always covered in newspaper and we would use old tea cups to dye the eggs in.

It's one of my favorite traditions so we did our very own Easter egg coloring party at our house with you on Friday. You did pretty good coloring the eggs and only had two spills! Though only one was yours but I'm not going to name any names who spilled the other one... 

The next day the Easter Bunny arrived at Grandpa Mike & Nana B's house. We had a yummy breakfast first and then it was off to find Easter eggs and anything else the Easter Bunny brought for you. You didn't quite know what to do but as soon as we showed you what was on the ground or wherever it was hidden, you would immediately run to the egg, pick it up, and throw it in your bucket. I had to catch a couple of the hard boiled eggs before you chucked them into the bucket otherwise they would get cracked. And we didn't want them getting cracked because we were making deviled eggs with them.

I think the Easter bunny might be outside


Grandpa Dave helping with an Easter egg a little too high

Found another one

Checking out the toys

Golf lessons

All smiles with Grandpa Mike

All in all, Easter was a success. You had a ball playing with your cousins and seeing everyone in general. And my favorite part was just watching you experience all these fun traditions.

Happy Easter Liam!

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