Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another Battle Wound

It has been a month of accidents! And I'm sure you'll have plenty more...  But this time you got a rug burn! I guess it was a lot worse but by the time we picked you up from daycare this is what it looked like. It happened on Monday and you were running around playing and did a face plant into the carpet getting rug burn from the corner of your eye all the way down your cheek. The ladies at daycare said you took it like a champ and barely cried! You are one tough little dude!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St Patty's Day Fun

Saturday was the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Missoula. We know how much you love parades so we did a family outing going to the parade and then had a little lunch afterwards. We had a great time and you sure enjoyed watching all the people. You had the perfect perch on daddy's shoulders too! We lucked out on the weather as it was supposed to be rainy and even some snow but it didn't start sprinkling on us until we were on our way to the car. 

Afterwards, we took you to Grandma Pam's and you hung out with her and Grandpa Tom for the rest of the day and even overnight! Mommy and daddy went out and celebrated some more.

Happy St Patrick's Day!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Battle Wounds

In the last few weeks you've had a couple accidents. I think one of them could have been prevented but the other one you were just being a kid running around and then you tripped and fell hitting the pavement. Chasing the cat on the other hand, that wasn't a good idea!

Cat - 1, You - 0

Pavement - 1, You - 0 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Month Seventeen


Another month has flown by and you are now seventeen months old. Only one more month and you're going to be a year and a half! I know I've said this before but where did my little baby go!?! You're a full blown toddler now and though there are things I miss when you were a baby you're at a really fun stage. You are quite the explorer and would rather walk than we carried or put in a stroller/cart. This makes shopping at the grocery store quite difficult if just your daddy or I are with you. So we normally battle it together or one of us stays home with you. We also can take you to all sorts of fun places now. We've taken you to the children's museum a couple time and also the carousel. You love the children's museum! You love exploring, going room to room just taking it all in. Your favorite area is the water works table and the slide. You zip pretty good on the slide too! So we may have to look into getting a membership if you're going to be there a lot. We've also taken you to the train in the mall and you love it too. You take a few minutes to warm up to it and the other kids but once you do, you're off running around having a good time. It's started to get a little nicer outside so you've been wanting to go outside more. Most of the time you just want to walk around but you've discovered our neighbors swing set and want to swing all the time. You also like to ride your bike (with help) and play catch with daddy. I can't wait for it to get nicer out so we can take you to the water park!

You are talking more and more and say the cutest things! My favorite is when you see something you like you'll say, "oh, wow". But when I catch you in something you're not supposed to be in you'll look at me and go, "oh, wow". I can't help but laugh and I think you know it! You're one smart cookie!! You know exactly what we're saying, you just can't talk enough so we know what you're saying. You'll say something in baby talk almost like you're asking a question. I of course have no idea what you said but will say "ya, uhhuhh", and you'll just smile back. I have no idea what I just agreed to!  But you are getting good at communicating in other ways. When you're all done eating, you'll slouch your shoulders and say "eehhh". We've been working at trying to get you to say all done or done and you're getting close. You point at things you want and we'll ask you to show us. Most of the time we can figure out what you want but sometimes it takes us couple tries. You've said a couple new words this month - horse, car, papa, toodles (from the Mickey Mouse Club). You love puppies and say it every time you see a puppy, see one on TV, and when you want your puppy pillow. You've gotten quite attached to your puppy pillow and you won't let it leave your side in the mornings. So it comes with us in the car and even into daycare and will sometimes stay with you at daycare. I think you've become more attached to it then your blue and white blanket. The blanket is your second favorite and will come with us in the car and then it stays at daycare for you to use at nap time. So as long as we have one or the other you're fine. You never liked pacifiers so this is the one thing you're attached to.

Tomorrow is a BIG day for you! It's your first day in the Waddlers Room. We're very exciting for you and can't wait to hear how your first day goes. You've been ready for months so we're glad you're finally making the move. In this room, you get to sit at a big boy table for breakfast and lunch. They focus more on using utensils and saying please and thank you. It's also a bigger room and you can run around and play more. When it's nice outside, you get to go outside two or three times a day.

Happy seventeen month birthday sweet little boy!! You bring so much joy to my life!
