Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Month Fifteen


Whew, this has been one busy month! It literally flew right on by. The holidays were a big part in this but we also had something going on almost every weekend. We took you Christmas tree hunting and this year you actually got to participate. Last year you were only a few months old so you mostly stayed in the car but this year we got you all bundled up and took you out into the woods. We had just gotten fresh snow so you really got to experience snow for the first time. When we put you on the ground in the snow you didn't know what to think of it at first so we all started throwing snow up in the air and laughing. You thought it was funny and started to do the same thing or close to it anyways. Walking through the snow was a different story. It was too deep so you'd always lose your balance and fall into it. So we mostly carried you but put you down whenever we stopped. Daycare also took you out in the snow and even brought buckets of snow inside. It was funny because one afternoon when I was picking you up one of the ladies told me you guys had a snowball fight inside. So she said if you threw any snow that's where you learned it from. Luckily you haven't really thrown any snow since then but you like to throw other stuff. You love throwing balls especially your little football and the little balls that go with your helicopter. They're light and the size of ping pong balls so perfect for throwing. You can say "ball" now so you'll say ball as you're throwing it. You also like to throw your books at us when you want us to read it to you so to say the least you definitely keep us on our toes.

This month you've also gotten to do sleepovers with each of the grandparents and each time you did great. You slept through the night for each of them and on your most recent sleepover at Grandpa Mike and Nana B's house you actually slept in and didn't wake-up until 8 am. Each of them always gave us a great report back saying how well you did and how easy you were. So I don't think we'll ever have a problem finding a babysitter to watch you for the whole night or just the evening because they all LOVE to watch you.

We took you to see Santa Claus a couple weekends ago and you're going through a shy stage in general so you weren't to eager to see him. At first you didn't even want to go to him and wouldn't let go of daddy. So daddy had to hand you to Santa real quick just so we could get a few pictures. You didn't cry but you also weren't very happy. But it's not just Santa you're shy around. When we go to visit cousin Justin there are usually other family members and friends there. The people you don't see as often it takes you a little bit to warm up to them which is normally 5 or 10 minutes. You'll cling to me and won't let me put you down until you get a little more comfortable. But there is a water fountain and if anyone helps you get a drink or play in the water they are your new best friend. So we've used this trick to help people win you over. By the end of the visit you're running around the waiting room playing with everyone and will even ask to be held by people you were first shy around. You did this to Uncle Jay last weekend. You were super shy and would not give him the time of day. But as we were walking out you decided you wanted to go to him and reached out for him. He even got to put your coat on for you. I have a feeling this shy stage isn't going to last too much longer!

You have officially become the "human sponge" now! You mimic everything we do especially facial expressions and noises/sound effects. I need to get more of them on video because it's so hard to explain everything you do. The other day daddy was pretending his hands were guns and was making little "bang-bang" noises and you put your hands up and scrunched up your nose and tried to do the same thing. We all started laughing. It was so cute! We'll also say "Caw, Caw" and you'll follow saying it exactly how we said it. But there is so many I could keep going on and on...

Tonight we realized you have more teeth coming in. When you were playing in the bathtub you opened your mouth wide enough that I could see a couple more were coming in. You have two bottom premolars coming in, one on each side of the incisors. I had no idea they were coming in because you haven't really been fussy at all. But I'm glad more teeth are coming in so you'll be able to chew food a little better.

Well nothing else has really changed. We're still working on getting rid of your night time bottle and are hoping to get rid of it next month. You are also still in the infant room at daycare. They thought you'd be moving to the waddler room by January 1st but you're one of the last kids to go and there are still a couple kids in front of you. So it may not be until February or March. You do get to play in the waddler room here and there when they can tell you're getting bored and need a change. So they definitely know you're ready!

Happy fifteen month birthday sweet little boy! You bring so much joy to our lives!!


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