Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a very busy Christmas this year but it was so much fun! You could participate more this year and you understood more of what was going on. My favorite part was watching your reaction to everything! You loved opening presents and were happy with just playing with the bows and wrapping paper. After you'd open your gift you'd want to play with it for a little while and then would move onto the next one. It was the cutest thing to watch! Grandma Terry also made you your very own stocking. She's made stockings for all of us so it was great she got your stocking done in time for this year's Christmas!

We spent Christmas Eve with my side of the family going over to Aunt Staci and Uncle Mike's house. Aunt Sandi, Uncle Jay, cousins Kody and Alex; Aunt Jenn & Uncle Jesse; and Grandma Terry and Grandpa Dave were there too. We had a blast! We ate a lot of great food, opened presents, and played "Jeopardy" which was put together by cousin Dani.

Hanging with cousin Kody

Matching hats!

Oh don't worry you'll grow into these eventually!

With your favorite playmates and cousins, Dani & Alex
Christmas morning we went over to Grandpa Mike & Nana B's house. But before that we had a little family get together with just you, daddy, and I. After all, Santa did come to our house in the middle of the night and he left a few goodies for you. So as soon as you got up that morning we brought you over to the tree where there was a little "Elmo" with a drum set, tambourine, and microphone. I pressed a button on it's foot and it started to dance. You just stared at it and kept staring at it. Then after a couple songs you got up and started to dance with it. It was the cutest thing ever!!

Up at Grandpa Mike & Nana B's house we had a fabulous breakfast and were spoiled once again. We had eggs Benedict and hash browns! Yummy! You even got to try some and did okay eating it. We gave you some fruit which you scarfed down too. We had a very chill morning opening a couple presents, drank mimosas, and hung out by the fire. It was perfect! We were able to put you down for a nap too.

Ready to go sledding now!

A little help from Uncle Josh
Next we went over to Grandpa Tom's house where we had another fabulous meal. It's not the holidays if you don't eat a lot of great food! Grandpa Tom and Grandma Pam made us steak tenderloins, potato casserole, spinach quiche, and homemade rolls and then we had huckleberry pie for dessert. You got to open some more presents too. Your favorite was "Jingle" the talking dog. He responds to a book when certain phrases are read aloud. He'll bark, sing, etc. You loved it and would cuddle with Jingle after he barked.

Merry Christmas Liam! We look forward to the Christmas's to come and the traditions we've now started with you!!

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