Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. Grandpa & Grandma Erickson came over and Uncle Keith, Aunt Cari, Ridge, and your new little cousin Sage. Uncle Ryan couldn't make it but you got to hang out with him the weekend before. We had a great dinner! Daddy cooked a prime rib on the BBQ and Grandma & I cooked a 21 lb turkey. We had our traditional side dishes; green bean casserole, sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, mashed potatoes, and lots of stuffing. It was really good and you absolutely loved all of it! But your favorites were the stuffing and sweet potatoes!! I also made a couple pumpkin pies and lemon meringue pie. You devoured your pumpkin pie! We had a great time and you had a blast playing with your cousins. It's definitely another one for the books!

Meeting your new cousin Sage, born Nov 9th.

Blowing bubbles with cousin Ridge

Grandpa and all his grandkids

Checking out the "Black Friday" ads

Dinner time!!

Cuddle time with Sage

Grandma's turn

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