Sunday, September 16, 2012

Early Birthday Presents

You got your first birthday present from us in the mail Friday! We were going to hide it until your birthday but we decided to open it and give it to you early. It was a smart decision because as soon as we took it out of the box, you crawled right on it and were pressing all the buttons. I think you liked it...just a little!!

Then on Saturday, I took you into Target so I could get a few things. I had to get some stuff for you so we walked right by the toys which happened to have a shelf full of stuffed animals. You pointed at a big fluffy dog so I grabbed it and handed it to you. You gave it a huge hug and wouldn't let go of it. I grabbed another dog just like it only a little smaller and started to hand it to you instead but you gave me this look like, "are you kidding me?", and grabbed the bigger dog again. I just laughed and said, "well looks like we're getting this too". You should of seen all the people staring at you hugging your dog which was almost covering you in your seat in the cart. 

You're just so dang cute, it's hard to say no to you. But it's your birthday month so we can spoil you a little here and there. I mean that's what parents do, right!?!

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