Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Haircut Appt

Today I picked you up from daycare a little early so I could take you to your first haircut appt. I took you to Cinder's, the same barbershop daddy used to go to as a kid. When we got there Cinder put a little booster seat in the chair and I put you right in it. You didn't have a problem with it so Cinder put a cape on you and  started cutting. You did awesome!! You hardly moved during the haircut. You only got distracted at the end when she tried to use the electric razor and the buzzing began. You love things that make noise so you'd turn your head to wherever the razor was. She got it done though and your haircut looks great!! It only took about 5 minutes too!



Monday, July 23, 2012

First Camping Trip

Last weekend we took you on your first camping trip! We went to Lindbergh Lake and camped overnight. Our good friends, Robby and Kate, came with us too. We didn't know how you'd do so we decided we better go somewhere close and also just go for one night. You did really well though! As soon as we got to our camping spot you helped us get everything unloaded and also helped us set up. You loved playing in the tent!! We even setup a play pen for you which you really liked too. You got a little swimming in at the lake and then we had a great spaghetti dinner thanks to daddy. After dinner we hung out around the campfire. We thought you'd be really intrigued by the campfire but you could care less. You were so exhausted that you went down for bed with no problem and you only woke up once the whole night. I think daddy and I were more worried about you because you never stay covered so him and I were constantly checking on you the whole night. The next morning Robby and Kate whipped up a fantastic breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. You liked the pancakes and eggs. All in all, it was a great trip! I think you're ready for a whole weekend of camping!!

Helping set up our sleeping quarters

Who knew, a truck bed is a great play pen!

Taking a break with Aunt Kate

Swinging in the hammock

Could you be any cuter!

Boys time on the hammock

Lindbergh Lake

Loving the water!

Our camp

Hanging by the campfire!

Monday, July 16, 2012

First Hike

Yesterday we took you on your first adventure into the great outdoors. We took you on a hike up Lolo Peak. It's close (only about 20 minutes away) and very easy to get to. So we thought this would be a good first hike for you...just in case it didn't go very well. As we were driving up the mountain it started to rain and lightening was flickering across the sky just above our heads. We were almost going to throw in the towel but decided to eat lunch in the car and see what the weather was like after that. Summer rainstorms seem to blow through pretty quickly. It stopped raining after lunch so we decided why not, we're here so we should at least try. So we got all loaded up and headed up the trail. I carried you in your backpack and daddy had all our gear. Surprisingly, his backpack was heavier than you and your backpack. The hike up was great and you made noise the WHOLE way up. The only time you didn't make any noise is if we stopped to talk to hikers passing by. We didn't have to worry about bears thanks to you! We made it about four miles in to Carlton Ridge. We took a very short break on the ridge as dark clouds were starting to move in again.  I carried you on the way down too. You were talking nonstop for about ten minutes and then silence. We thought something was wrong but daddy peeked in on you and you were sound asleep. We couldn't believe you fell asleep! You slept nearly the entire hike out which was just over an hour. You woke up just as we were getting to the car. So needless to say, you did awesome on your first hike!! It was a blast and we can't wait take you on your next hike. 

On our way up the Lolo Peak Trailhead

A look at Lolo Peak

I think you like your backpack!

Resting at Carlton Ridge

You are really excited to see snow!

Tired Boy!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Walking with a little help

Grandma Pam's Birthday

Grandma Pam's 60th birthday was on Monday so we went over to Tom's for a little shindig. We had some great food that daddy and the uncles put together and some really good cake! You got to see you cousins Boh and Meridian again and also all the ladies Grandma Pam works with. They were really glad to see you! We had a lot of fun and even got some back rubs in...thanks Boh for starting the train!

Happy Birthday Grandma Pam - We love you!

The Back Rub Train

Look daddy, a balloon!


Cousin Jennifer was in town last weekend so we went to Grandpa Mike & Nana B's house for a bbq. We also had a little fun in the water! Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brooke, and cousins Bohdan & Meridian were there too.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Canyon Ferry Trip

Last week we went to Canyon Ferry for the 4th of July and for Robby & Kate's Wedding. We went up on Wednesday and didn't come back until Sunday. You did really well on this trip especially since this was your longest trip away from far! The first day we got there which was the 4th, we just hung out on the beach. This was your first time on the beach and in the sand. You didn't know what to think of the sand and of the waves coming up on the beach. We set you pretty close to the water on the beach and when a wave came crashing up, it got you wet. The first time it happened, you gave us a shocked look, and wanted to be picked up. We put you on a towel and then you were happy as can be.

The next couple days we were busy helping getting ready for the wedding. The girls made time for a pedicure though!

The Big Day! Congrats Robby & Kate!! This was your first wedding and you did really well. You had a blast watching everyone especially on the dance floor and loved being held by whoever wanted to hold you. I made sure you took a nap before the festivities started so you'd make it through the evening. To our surprise you made it until 10:30pm. You took a cat nap on my lap at one point but you only slept for about 10-15 minutes. I don't think you wanted to miss a thing!

With the beautiful bride Kate!

Look daddy, I have a tie too!

At the reception with Jeremy

Family Photo Break

The speakers

Showing off your dance moves with Ranae

Dancing with the groom

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today you were a rockstar! You had your nine month check-up which went really well and then we had to take you to the lab to get some blood work done. At the check-up the doctor just looked you over and took your measurements and weighed you. You are 28 1/2 inches long and weigh 18 lbs 14 oz. All eights this time! But we found out you have another ear infection. I think this is your third ear infection. So you're back on antibiotics and go in for another check-up in a couple weeks. After the check-up, we had to take you over to the lab so they could take some blood and run some tests for anemia. We weren't looking forward to this since we know how you react to needles. When we got into the room, you sat in my lap while they got you ready to take some blood. When they were ready to poke you with the needle we all took a deep breath and looked at you waiting for you to cry. But to our surprise, you just looked at the nurse and flinched a tiny bit when she poked you with the needle. You didn't make a peep! Unreal!! We couldn't believe it!! We thought for sure you'd start crying. The nurses loved it and hoped you were their last patient so they could end on a good note. I hate when you cry because of pain so I was SO happy you didn't cry. You are a rockstar!!

On the way home from your check-up