Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fairmont Hot Springs

We met Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Brooke, and cousins Bohdan & Meridian at Fairmont Hot Springs right before Easter weekend. They were on their way to spend Easter with us and would be driving right by Fairmont so we met them there for the night. It was a good stopping point for them and not to mention, a fun place for you kiddos! We all had a blast playing in the water both Thursday night and Friday morning. You were a little unsure of the pools at first but as soon as we got you in and got you more comfortable you had a lot of fun. Boh and Meri went down the BIG slide as soon as we got there but you and I hung out in the pool while they and daddy went down it. Friday was a little nicer and there weren't as many people so we decided to take you down the slide. Daddy and I both went up with you and then daddy took you down the slide. You didn't make a peep the whole way down; no laugh, cry, scream...nothing! We didn't know if you liked it or not and weren't going to take you again but you kept pointing at the slide so we took that as you wanted to go again. Daddy probably took you four or five more times after that. Just as we were about done swimming we discovered you could stand in the indoor pool where is was about 2 ft deep. Your head was just above water so it was perfect. You loved it and wanted to walk in the water ALL on your own. I tried to hold you but you'd push my hands away! So I just kept really close to you with my hands only about a foot away but NOT touching you!! But even then, you slipped and fell underneath the water. It was just for a second but I grabbed you as fast as I could and shot you back up above the water. You didn't cry but had a very shocked look on your face and it didn't scare you because you didn't want to get out. You just kept trying to walk on your own. We were bummed we discovered this at the end because we would've spent more time in the indoor pool. But we all had fun and will definitely be going back soon!

On our way to Fairmont

Getting used to the pool

Woohoo! Made it down the BIG slide!!

Jeremy & Boh's turn!

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