Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Easter Bunny

On a whim we went and saw the Easter Bunny yesterday. Actually Liam saw him and wanted to say hi which was great but getting him to sit with the Easter Bunny that was a different story. Liam sat next to him but about a foot away, the photographer had to move him closer just to get him in the shot. Mason on the other hand did not like the Easter Bunny one bit! He started crying the minute he was put on the Easter Bunny's lap and didn't stop crying until it was over. Oh the things we put our kids through to make memories! 

Mason's First Time Crawling

Mason's first time crawling...well first weekend of crawling anyway! We missed the very first time because Mason started crawling when he and Liam spent the weekend with Grandma Terry and Grandpa Dave while we were at Chico Hot Springs. It was pretty exciting for Grandma & Grandpa getting to experience this with Mason and a very nice surprise for us to come home to!

This is from a few weeks ago and now Mason's really trucking along and even pulling himself up onto his knees!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Horseback Riding

Liam got to go horseback riding for the very first time with Auntie Jenn and Uncle Jesse. I of course got to partake in the fun too! Liam was a little timid at first so we all just hung around the corral until Liam warmed up to the horses. When Jesse was busy saddling the horses he'd joke around with Liam. This really helped Liam relax because not to much longer after that he asked to ride the horses. So Liam got on with Jesse and away they went. Liam was hooked after that and having a blast. Jenn, Jesse, and I took turns riding horses but Liam he was on a horse the whole time rotating riding with all of us. Liam had so much fun I'm pretty sure we'll be riding "A LOT"!

First ride with Jesse

Jenn's turn with Liam

And now my turn with Liam

Whoever wasn't riding was snuggling with this cutie!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mason's First Haircut

Mason got his first haircut...well a few weeks ago but who's counting! We took him into the same gal that cuts Liam's hair and who used to cut Jesse's hair when he was little. She's so great with Liam that we couldn't wait to bring in Mason. But to kill two birds with one stone both boys got haircuts! Mason was a little unsure at first but he did great on my lap and actually stayed very still while Cinder did a quick trim. Liam had fun with his haircut and after getting his "usual" haircut (really short) he got his very first steps. It brought back memories to both Jesse and Cinder because Cinder used to give Jesse steps when he was Liam's age. Liam loved them so I have a feeling he'll be asking for steps A LOT!



Loving the steps!