Thursday, March 13, 2014

Baby Shower

Had a lot of fun last weekend at the baby shower Jenn put on for me and Mason! We played games, ate some great food, and just had fun visiting. The most entertaining and funniest part of the shower was when everyone had to measure out how big around they thought I was using a piece of ribbon. Most over shot it by a lot but there were a few that undershot or were really close. But the one who got it right on was Jenn! Nice work lady!! There were also some great keepsakes that I can't wait to get into the "Late Night Diapers" and the "Time Capsule" for Mason. The "Late Night Diapers" have sayings written on them that people wrote to be from Mason. So they should be pretty entertaining as we're changing Mason's diaper whether it be in the middle of the night or not! The "Time Capsule" is filled with messages from everyone saying what they think he'll be in 18 years. That means we can't open it until 2032. WOW...don't want to think about that!

Thanks for the fabulous baby shower Jenn. You did an awesome job and made me feel very special - thank you! Thanks to all that could be there to celebrate this very special time too. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! THANK YOU!!


Diaper cute!

Yummy cake my mom made!

Instructions for the "Time Capsule"

Can't open this sucker for 18!

The perfect glasses...Mason Jars!

"Late Night Diapers" ready for Mason!

Gift Time!

My mother-in-law & mom!

You rock Jenn!

The organizer and her helpers - thanks ladies!

Monday, March 10, 2014

33 Weeks & Growing

Today I am 33 weeks! Woohoo, let the countdown begin...only 7 weeks to go!! Last week was our last monthly check-up and now we go in every two weeks the rest of this month and then weekly next month. At our check-up last week the doctor said everything looked great (heartbeat 150 bpm) and said we're right on schedule. Though I'm hoping Mason makes his debut a little earlier than his due date but I guess we'll just have to wait and see! We also get one more ultrasound which I'm really looking forward to so we can get one last look at Mason before his arrival.

This pregnancy has definitely been a lot different than my first. I've had more nausea (mostly in the first trimester) and heartburn this pregnancy than I ever did with Liam. The heartburn has been constant and it's taken some getting used to especially since I've never had heartburn before. Then there is the regular symptoms I had before that I'm experiencing again; back pain, feeling crowded, and tired. It could be I'm more tired this go around though now that I have 2 YEAR OLD to chase around! But it is all worth it just knowing there is a tiny human being growing inside me. It is the most amazing experience and I wouldn't change it for the world! My favorite moments are when I can feel him moving whether it be kicking/punching or just rolling around and when he has the hiccups. It is such a great feeling and makes me smile every time!

Getting bigger and bigger...